MRM // 2022 Universal Registration Document
General information on the issuer and its share capital
Information about the share capital
3.2.5 Potential share capital
No securities have been issued that would give access to the capital, and whose exercise would be likely to have a dilutive effect on the Company’s shareholders. In 2022, the Company allocated free shares to employees and its Chief Executive Officer, subject to presence and performance conditions, and involving 3,762 shares with a par value of €20 each, it being specified that the Board of directors will issue new shares at the end of the vesting period. The history of free share allocations decided by the Board of directors is presented in Section 3.3 of the management report included in Section 3.6 of this Universal Registration
Document. In order to take into account the reverse stock split, the meeting of the Board of directors held on 24 February 2022, in accordance with the powers granted by the Meeting, decided to adjust the number of free shares to be granted under free share allocation plans during the vesting period, by dividing by 20 the number of shares initially allocated and rounding it down to the nearest whole number, this adjustment having taken effect on 20 April 2022, while the other stipulations and conditions of the plans remain unchanged:
Number of shares of a par value of €1 each allocated free of charge (before the reverse stock split)
Number of shares of a par value of €20 each allocated free of charge (after the reverse stock split)
2019-01 Plan * 2020-01 Plan 2021-01 Plan
31,995 43,796 76,770
1,598 2,187 3,836 7,621
* This plan was definitively granted during the financial year.
It should be noted that the Chief Executive Officer is the only corporate officer who benefited from the allocation of free shares in 2022.
Free shares allocated to corporate officers and definitive allocation to the latter Shares allocated during the financial year by the issuer to corporate officers (Global information) Shares allocated by the issuer, definitively allocated during the financial year, to corporate officers (Global information)
Number of shares of a par value of €20 each allocated free of charge
Free shares allocated to and vested in the top ten employees who are not corporate officers
Number of shares of a par value of €20 each allocated free of charge
Free shares granted during the financial year by the issuer to the ten employees receiving the largest number of such shares within its full scope of consolidated entities (Global information) Free shares granted, and vested during the financial year, by the issuer to the ten employees receiving the largest number of such shares within its full scope of consolidated entities (Global information)
3.2.6 Summary of current delegations or authorisations for share capital increases
The table of current delegations and authorisations for share capital increases is presented in paragraph 1.18 “Report on corporate governance” in Section 4.1 of this Universal Registration Document.
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