MRM // 2022 Universal Registration Document
Statement of non-financial performance (SNFP) – 2022 financial year
Action plan
Title of risk
Monitoring indicators
• Energy consumption (MWhFE in total value and ratios per m 2 )
Obligation to reduce the consumption of buildings
Implementation of the Tertiary Decree strategy; energy analysis of sites and implementation of Capex Launch of energy improvements as part of the DEET Energy monitoring of properties subject to DEET Measurement of GHG emissions related to energy consumption; Energy improvement Measurement of GHG emissions related to energy consumption; Energy improvement; Anticipation of the European Taxonomy Measurement of GHG emissions related to energy consumption; Energy improvement Commitment to an ESG approach Approach and voluntary publication of the SNFP (ongoing)
Of which fossil fuels Of which electricity Of which urban network
• Amount in € or % of Capex invested in energy efficiency improvement work
Increase in the price of fossil fuels
Energy reporting as a priority environmental criterion Regulatory constraints: refrigerants RE 2020
• Total energy-related emissions (teqCO 2 ) Ratios per m 2 Of which direct Of which indirect • Carrying out a scopes 1 & 2 carbon assessment every year • Total amount in € or % of Capex invested in energy efficiency improvement work • Annual comparison with CRREM objectives (compliant trajectory 2 °C) • Carrying out a scopes 1 & 2 carbon assessment every year Total amount in € or % of Capex invested in energy efficiency improvement works Annual comparison with the objectives of the CRREM (compliant trajectory 2 °C) Carrying out a scopes 1 & 2 carbon assessment each year
Green discount
Increase in the price of GHG emissions
REPUTATION: due to action or inaction in the face of climate change
More regulated artificilaisation of soils
M.R.M. properties little affected by an expansion of artificialisation Fauna and flora assessment for the entire stock
• Rate of vegetalisation Average BAF Total BAF
Reputation due to non-consideration of environmental issues
• % of properties on which an environmental assessment has been carried out • Investment in green roofs, beehives, bird and insect hotels
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