MRM // 2022 Universal Registration Document
Corporate governance
Report on corporate governance
Except for the last item, which is intended to promote compliance with the share ownership requirement imposed by the internal regulations, this remuneration is variable in full and based entirely on independent directors’ attendance and participation in Board of directors and Board Committee
meetings. The table below summarises the remuneration allocated in respect of the financial year or paid during said financial year by the Company (and, if applicable, its subsidiaries) to non-executive directors over the last two financial years:
Remuneration for the office of director, and other remuneration paid or awarded by the Company
Amounts awarded
Amounts paid
Amounts awarded
Amounts paid
Remuneration for the office of director
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Other remuneration
Karine Trébaticky Remuneration for the office of director
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Other remuneration
Altarea represented by Rodrigo Clare Remuneration for the office of director
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Other remuneration
Brigitte Gauthier-Darcet Remuneration for the office of director
Other remuneration
Valérie Ohannessian Remuneration for the office of director
Other remuneration
Jacques Blanchard (1) Remuneration for the office of director
Other remuneration
€45,000 (2)
Gilles Castiel (3) Remuneration for the office of director
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Other remuneration
(1) Director until 16 November 2022. (2 ) Amount corresponding to the variable remuneration paid in 2021 in respect of 2020, for his duties as Chief Executive Officer, which ended on 1 October 2020. (3) Director until 28 July 2022. 2.3 Proposal to approve the items of remuneration and benefits in kind paid during, or allocated for, the 2022 financial year to the Chief Executive Officer (individual ex-post vote)
This section of the report is prepared in accordance with Article L.22-10-34, II of the French commercial code, and will be submitted for approval to the forthcoming 2023 General meeting. As a reminder, François de Varenne, Chairman of the Board of directors, receives no remuneration or benefits from the Company or its subsidiaries. Similarly, he does not receive any remuneration or benefits likely to be due or allocated in respect of his office as Chairman of the Board of directors of M.R.M.
Pursuant to Article L.22-10-34, II of the French commercial code, the forthcoming 2023 General Meeting will be asked to approve the fixed, variable and exceptional items of the total remuneration and benefits in kind paid during, or awarded for, the 2022 financial year to the Chief Executive Officer (individual ex-post vote).
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