MRM - 2020 Universal Registration Document


General information on the issuer and its share capital Management report for the financial year ended 31 December 2020

2. P resentation of the annual nancial statements – Pro t (loss) for the past nancial year

2.1 Corporate financial statements The corporate financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 (provided in Appendix 3 of this report), which we submit to you for approval, were drawn up according to the format and using the valuation methods prescribed by the rules and regulations in force. Presentation and valuation rules used were the same as for the previous financial year. M.R.M.’s business over the period was that of a holding company. Its 2020 earnings re ect: • revenue of €259 thousand (compared with €283 thousand in 2019); • other purchases and external expenses of €(618) thousand (compared with €(1,331) thousand in 2019); • taxes of €(74) thousand (compared with €(77) thousand in 2019); • payroll expenses of €(941) thousand (compared with €(915) thousand in 2019); • a provision for depreciation of the current account of a subsidiary, for €(31) thousand; • other expenses for €(49) thousand, including €(43) thousand in annual remuneration allocated to the members of the Board; • fnancial income for €472 thousand, mainly corresponding to fnancial income related to investments (income from current accounts); • financial expenses for €(10,840) thousand, mainly corresponding to a provision for impairment of the securities of a subsidiary following the fall in the appraisal values of its buildings in the context of the health crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic; • exceptional income of €341 thousand corresponding to the release of a portion of the sale price of the Urban building. Net income amounted to a loss of €11,465 thousand, compared with a loss of €838 thousand as of 31 December 2019. At the end of the financial year total assets stood at €74,489 thousand, mostly made up of equity securities from directly or indirectly wholly owned subsidiaries, of current accounts between the Company and its subsidiaries, and of the Company’s cash assets. A table showing the Company’s results for the last five financial years is appended to this report in Appendix 1 in accordance with Article R.225-102 of the French Commercial Code.

2.2 Consolidated financial statements Pursuant to regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of 19 July 2002, M.R.M. group’s consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 were prepared in accordance with the standards and interpretations applicable on that date as published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), adopted by the European Union and in force at the date of issue of the financial statements by the Board of directors. The standards, amendments to standards and interpretations published by IASB and presented below are applicable for financial years beginning as of 1 January 2020: • amendments to IFRS 3 - New defnition of an activity (a “business”); • amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 - “Reform of the Interbank Reference Rates (IBOR)” - Phase 1; • IFRS IC decision on IFRS 16 - “Leases”; • amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 - Modifcation of the defnition of “signifcant”; • amendments to references to the conceptual framework in IFRS. These new amendments and interpretations did not have a material impact on the Group’s results and financial position. Standards, amendments and interpretations for application published by the IASB but not adopted by the European Union as of 1 January 2020 Subject to their final approval by the European Union, the standards, amendments to standards and interpretations published by the IASB and presented below are applicable according to the IASB as of the following dates: • amendment to IFRS 16 - “Rental concessions related to the COVID-19 crisis”: applicable from 1 June 2020, with early application possible; This text is not for compulsory application and applies to fnancial years beginning as of 1 June 2020 without restatement of the comparable fgures. Early application is, however, possible following its adoption by the European Union. The purpose of the amendment is to facilitate the accounting by tenants for the rent adjustments related to the health crisis and allow them to not recognise these reductions in rent as a modifcation of their leases. The Group is not concerned by this amendment. Standards, amendments and interpretations applicable as of 1 January 2020



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