MRM - 2020 Universal Registration Document


Information on M.R.M.’s activities

Significant changes in the financial or commercial position

Human resources


Following the recapitalisation of M.R.M. in 2013, the Company brought executive management and financial management back in-house as of 1 August 2013. Prior to this, the Company had no employees. In 2015, the asset management of its property assets was reorganised and the Company appointed an in-house Head of asset management. The Company currently has four employees who are all based at the head office at 5 avenue Kléber, Paris (16 th arrondissement). The Company’s Chief Executive Officer is a remunerated corporate officer (see Section 2.2.1 “Remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer” of the corporate governance report in Section 4.1 of this Universal Registration Document).

Since 2019, M.R.M. has set up free share allocation plans for its employees. Information on these free share allocation plan can be found in Section 3.3 “Employee share ownership” of Section 3.6 “Management report for the financial year ended 31 December 2020” of this Universal Registration Document. Currently, no employees of the Company or its subsidiaries are in receipt of stock options. Nor is there currently any agreement providing for an employee shareholding scheme. The Company’s human resources policy is set out in full in Section 4 “Social, environmental and societal information” of the management report of the Board of directors in Section 3.6 of this Universal Registration Document.

Research and development


Due to the nature of its business as a real estate investment company, M.R.M. has no research and development policy. It has registered the domain name “”.

The Company does not consider that its business or profit capacity is in any way dependent on any particular brand, patent or licence.

Environmental policy


The Company’s environmental policy is set out in full in Section 4 “Social, environmental and societal information” of

the management report of the Board of directors in Section 3.6 of this Universal Registration Document.

1.10 Signifcant changes in the fnancial or commercial position

The year 2020 marks the thirteenth fnancial year that M.R.M. has been listed as a real estate company. Having strengthened and restored its financial position since the recapitalisation operation in 2013, and in line with the

direction taken since the SCOR group entered the Company’s share capital, M.R.M. has refocused its strategy on the holding and management of retail properties.



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