MRM - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Corporate governance

Corporate governance report

The current members of the Board of directors and its committees are:

Main positions

Participation in Board committees

held outside the Company

Personal information

Experience Position on the Board

Positions held in listed companies

Time on the

Age, Gender, Nationality, Independence

End of term of office

Shares held

Date first appointed

Board of directors

François de Varenne Chairman of the Board of directors

53 years, M, French



05/29/2013 GM 2021 6 years Chairman of the Strategic Committee

Member of the Executive Committee of SCOR SE, Chief SCOR Global Investments, Chairman of the Management Board of SCOR Investment Partners SE Executive Officer of

69 years, M, French

42,839 -

06/29/2007 GM 2023 12 years Member of the Strategic Committee


Jacques Blanchard Chief Executive Officer (1) and Director

Gilles Castiel 51 years, M, French



12/06/2018 GM 2022 1 year

Member of the Strategic Committee and the Audit Committee

Committee Head of Real Estate at SCOR Investment Partners Chief Executive Officer of

Brigitte Gauthier- Darcet

64 years, F, French, Independent



11/29/2011 GM 2021 8 years Chairman of the Audit Committee

CBRE Conseil & Transaction Deputy Company Secretary of SCOR SE Chairwoman and Founder of Phémia Conseil

SCOR SE, repr. by Karina Lelièvre

52 years, F, French

26,155,662 -

05/29/2013 GM 2021 6 years -

Valérie Ohannessian

54 years, F, French, Independent



02/21/2019 GM 2023 1 year

Member of the Audit Committee

(1) Jacques Blanchard will reach the age limit for holding office as Chief Executive Officer (70) on 02/18/2021. Based on the Articles of Association (as set out under Section 1.2 of this report), his term of office as Chief Executive Officer will therefore expire at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in 2022.



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