
L'Oréal’s corporate social, environmental and societal responsibility* L’ORÉAL’S CORPORATE SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL POLICIES

A global programme dedicated to improving safety L’Oréal has equipped itself with the necessary tools and programmes to attain excellence with regard to safety:

The Management Committee of each site carries out a general review of the action plans and the effectiveness of the EHS programmes. This programme incites employees to inform their direct managers of situations considered as involving risks in order for corrective measures to be taken. This framework programme aims at improving individual safety culture so that each and every employee plays a proactive role both in his/her own safety and that of others. The objective of this programme is to cover 100% of the sites in 2020. This programme, which is intended to be extended to all the Group’s sites by 2020, has been based since 2015 on a roadmap consisting of four levels which enable the sites to systematically improve their ergonomics culture and determine their individual action plans. These are periodic on-site safety visits by a manager. In 2015, the programme was also deployed on certain administrative and research sites. In 2017, 26,207 MESUR visits were conducted on all the L’Oréal Group’s sites. The “Combined Risk and Culture Audits” carried out as from 2014 fully include the evaluation of EHS culture and risk management, the assessment of the visible commitment by managers and employees and the process of ongoing improvement through action plans. In 2017, 49 “top managers” (managers of plants or distribution centres, Management Committee members etc.) attended the Leadership & Safety Culture seminar, held at the CEDEP, the European Centre for Executive Development at the INSEAD campus in France. Since the start of this programme, 450 senior managers have been trained. The main objectives of these seminars are raising awareness of top managers about safety issues, to increase their leadership ability and to see these behaviours adopted and maintained over the long term.

Involvement of all employees

EHS Monitoring Committees

SIO (Safety Improvement Opportunities)

Constructive Challenge


A programme to improve the ergonomics culture

Ergonomic attitude

MESUR (Managing Effective Safety Using Recognition and Realignment)

Safety control tools

Group EHS audits

Dedicated training sessions

Safety Training for management

In 2014, an Ergonomic Attitude Governance Committee was launched with the Group’s senior managers (from Operations, R&I, Marketing, IT, HR and the EHS teams). This committee’s

deployed within the Group and to ensure that this programme provides effective support for L’Oréal’s Share & Care

programme. The committee has defined a roadmap and, role is to determine the vision, objectives and actions to be since 2015, it meets twice a year to oversee its deployment.



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