The Group’s CSR strategy

R PRESENTATION OF THE 2014-2018 ROADMAP Since 2007, Legrand has defined and coordinated its CSR strategy through multi-year roadmaps, built around the key issues of this strategy and their performance indicators. The first two roadmaps covered the periods 2007-2010 and 2011-2013. In 2014, Legrand continued this trend by publishing its third CSR roadmap for the period 2014-2018. The roadmap is based on the four focus points and the 10 key issues described below. It identifies 21 priorities for its various businesses and entities, to be achieved during the period 2014-2018 (these priorities are detailed in section of this Registration Document). Each year, the global results of this roadmap are published at the same time as the annual financial results. The detailed results are published in the Group’s Registration Document.

Society 3. Acting ethically

4. Ensuring responsible purchasing 5. Enabling access to electricity for all

Employees 6. Respecting Human Rights

7. Guaranteeing health and safety at work 8. Developing skills and promoting diversity Environment 9. Reducing the Group’s environmental footprint 10. Innovating for a circular economy

Please refer to section of this Registration Document for the entire 2014-2018 roadmap, together with the progress indicators at the end of its fourth year of implementation.

User 1. Providing sustainable solutions 2. Playing a driving role in the electrical sector


4.1.2 – CSR governance and performance management

R CSR GOVERNANCE The CSR Department is responsible for overseeing and implementing the Group’s CSR strategy. It is attached to the Strategy and Development Department, whose Executive Vice- President is a member of the Group’s Executive Committee. This central structure relies on several specialist functional departments : Legal and Compliance, Human Resources, Group Purchasing, and the SBUs (Strategic Business Units). These coordinate networks of around 300 representatives located within the Group’s subsidiaries, who work directly on the different areas comprising the Group’s CSR strategy. For example, corporate governance subjects that relate to business ethics are overseen by the Legal and Compliance Department, which reports to the Finance Department. Matters relating to human rights are managed jointly by the CSR Department and the Human Resources Department. The CSR Steering Committee is composed of the Group’s functional departments, the SBUs (Strategic Business Units) and the main country departments, meets three times a year with the Chief Executive Officer to approve and follow up on the actions of the Group CSR strategy.

Within Legrand’s Board of Directors, the Committee on Strategy and Social Responsibility , composed of five directors, three of them independent, guarantees that the Group’s strategy remains compliant with CSR requirements. Once a year, the CSR Department presents the previous year’s results to this committee, together with targets for the coming year (see section 6.1.3 of this Registration Document). This arrangement gives Legrand’s General Management coherent oversight of its CSR activity, from General Management to the Group entities (including progressively the acquisitions). Finally, in accordance with article 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code (Grenelle 2 Law), the content of this chapter has been audited by an independent third party for 2017. One of the Group’s Statutory Auditors, Deloitte & Associés, who have been retained for this purpose, have produced a certificate of completeness of the information relating to CSR, as well as a reasoned opinion on its accuracy. In addition, Legrand wanted, on voluntarily basis, to have a “moderate assurance opinion” on all 31 indicators comprising the CSR roadmap. This certificate can be found in section 4.7.



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