THE GROUP’S ASSETS, LIABILITIES, FINANCIAL POSITION AND RESULTS Consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS for the years ended December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016

Yankee bonds On February 14, 1995, Legrand France issued $400.0 million worth of 8½% debentures due February 15, 2025, through a public placement in the United States. Interest on Yankee bonds is payable semi-annually on February 15 and August 15 of each year, beginning August 15, 1995. In December 2013, a number of Yankee bondholders offered to sell their securities to the Group. Acting on this offer, the Group decided to acquire Yankee bonds with an aggregate face value of $6.5 million. The acquired debentures were subsequently cancelled. 2011 Credit Facility In October 2011, the Group signed an agreement with six banks to set up a €900.0 million revolving multicurrency facility (2011 Credit Facility) utilizable through drawdowns. The five-year facility may be extended for two successive one-year periods. In July 2014, the Group signed an agreement that amends and extends the Credit Facility finalized in October 2011 with all banks party to this contract. This agreement extends the maximum maturity of the €900.0 million revolving credit line by three years, i.e., up to July 2021, including two successive one-year period extension options, and at improved financing terms compared with October 2011. Drawdowns are subject to an interest rate equivalent to Euribor/ Libor plus a margin determined on the basis of the Group’s credit rating. In addition, the 2011 Credit Facility does not contain any covenants. As of December 31, 2017, the Credit Facility had not been drawn down. 4.6.1 Long-term borrowings Long-term borrowings are recognized at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, which takes into account any transaction costs directly attributable to the issue of these borrowings.

The other plans qualify as long-term employee benefit plans, with a corresponding provision recognized in compliance with IAS 19. During 2017, a net expense of €15.9 million was recognized in operating profit in respect to these plans. As mentioned in Note 4.4, the resulting provision amounted to €53.3 million as of December 31, 2017 (including payroll taxes). See also Notes 4.2.1 for performance share plans and Note 4.2.3 for IFRS 2 charges accounted for in the period. LONG-TERMAND SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS The Group actively manages its debt through diversified sources of financing available to support its medium-term business growth while guaranteeing a robust financial position over the long term. Bonds In February 2010, the Group carried out a €300.0 million 4.25% seven-year bond issue. The bonds were redeemed at maturity on February 24, 2017. In March 2011, the Group carried out a €400.0 million 4.375% seven-year bond issue. The bonds will be redeemable at maturity on March 21, 2018. In April 2012, the Group carried out a €400.0 million 3.375% ten- year bond issue. The bonds will be redeemable at maturity on April 19, 2022. In December 2015, the Group carried out a €300.0 million 1.875% twelve-year bond issue. The bonds will be redeemable at maturity on December 16, 2027. In July 2017, the Group carried out a bond issue for a total of €1.0 billion, in two tranches of €500.0 million each, with maturities of 7 and 15 years. The respective maturity dates of these two tranches are July 6, 2024 and July 6, 2032 and their annual coupons are respectively 0.750% and 1.875%. In October 2017, the Group carried out a €400.0 million 0.5% six- year bond issue. The bonds will be redeemable at maturity on October 9, 2023. 4.6

Long-term borrowings can be analyzed as follows:

December 31, 2017

December 31, 2016

(in € millions)




Yankee bonds



Other borrowings



Long-term borrowings excluding debt issuance costs



Debt issuance costs






No guarantees have been given with respect to these borrowings.



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