Statutory Auditors’ report

Appendix 1

Quantitative environmental information W Water consumption (in thousands m3) W Direct and indirect energy consumption (GWh) W Total CO 2 (in thousands tonnes of carbon equivalent) W CO 2 emissions linked to energy consumption scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the carbon audit (in thousands tonnes of carbon equivalent) W Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (in tonnes) W Waste produced (in thousands tonnes) – including hazardous waste W Waste recovered (Sent for recycling) (%) emissions for scopes 1 and 2 of the carbon assessment W Ensuring responsible purchasing (section 4.3.2, paragraph “Identification, monitoring and support of suppliers exposed to CSR risks”) W Respecting human rights (section 4.4.1) W Policy to fight against corruption (section 4.3.1, paragraphs : “The Group’s commitments”, “Group compliance program” et “Optimization of the compliance program in line W with the Sapin II Law”) W Fight against counterfeiting (section 4.2.1, paragraph “Fight against counterfeiting”) Qualitative information W Promoting diversity (section

The CSR Information that we considered to be the most important, on which we conducted detailed tests, are the following: Important information W Quantitative health and safety information W Frequency of workplace accidents leading to absence W Severity of workplace accidents W Number of recognized work-related illnesses Other quantitative social information W Group workforce at the end of 2017 (breakdown by type of contract and gender) W Hirings (Share of open-ended contracts in hiring of employees on open-ended and fixed-term contracts) W Departures (of which resignations, retirements and other departures) W Number of training hours per employee (Worldwide) W Absenteeism (all job categories) W Share of non-managers on minimum wage W Share of employees covered by collective bargaining agreement and/or convention W Share of employees employed in entities in which there is an


employee representative body and/or a union W Number of collective agreement signed in 2017

Appendix 2

Other quantitative social information: Limousin (France),Varese (Italy), Karl Marx Oulianovsk - Kontaktor (Russia), West Hartford - Wiremold (USA) Quantitative environmental information: Cairo (Egypt), Magre 123 (France), Fontaine (France), Sille le Guillaume (France), Strasbourg (France), Varese (Italy), Karl Marx Oulianovsk - Kontaktor (Russia), West Hartford - Wiremold (USA)

The sample of selected entities and sites is presented below:

Quantitative health and safety information: Cairo (Egypt), Limousin (France), Varese (Italy), Karl Marx Oulianovsk - Kontaktor (Russia), West Hartford - Wiremold (USA)



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