LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document
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R INFORMING CUSTOMERS ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PRODUCTS Reducing the environmental impact of buildings requires careful design choices. Product environmental information, in accordance with ISO 14025, specifically informs users of the environmental impact of the electrical products they use. This is a unique advantage for users of Legrand products. 2014-2018 Group priority Provide ISO 14025-compliant product environmental data for products accounting for two thirds of Group sales Key performance indicator: Percentage of Group sales of products sold with a PEP (Product Environmental Profile), in compliance with ISO 14025. Annual targets:
The PEP ecopassport ® program was first developed in France with leaders in the electrical industry that are members of the PEP Association (of which Legrand is a founding member). It now has global reach and is today recognized by countless operators for environmental reporting programs and sustainable building certification worldwide. On the basis of a set of rules defined by the program and currently being standardized, PEP ecopassport ® provides a strict framework for the LCA approach, and characterizes the environmental information to be provided: a review of the materials used, information on hazardous substances when present, environmental impacts on air, water and natural resources based on the calculation of at least eight indicators. Each stage in the life of the product or service is taken into account, from the extraction of raw materials needed for manufacturing to the end of product life, as well as the production, distribution, implementation and use stages. In 2015, with the publication of the third edition of the Product Category Rules (PCR ed3), the rules of the PEP ecopassport ® program were updated to facilitate the use of PEPs in the LCA of a building. PEPs that comply with these new rules have been aligned with the requirements of European standard EN 15804 (Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations), the benchmark for type III environmental declarations for construction products. Legrand’s PEPs offer all the environmental indicators necessary for a building’s LCA calculation. A recognized tool The PEP environmental declaration and the associated PEP ecopassport ® program are recognized by several construction rating systems. For example, version 4 of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, a standardization system for high-performance buildings and the first global standard in this area, emphasizes the importance of environmental information conforming to ISO 14025 for the electrical equipment installed in a building. Not only do PEPs enable Legrand to position itself on projects with more added value, but they also allow the industry to deliver projects with better environmental performance, thereby adding value to the buildings in which these solutions are installed. More than 1,840 PEPs available By including all environmental data in a single document, the PEP provides the supply chain with authentic, reliable information enabling an informed technical choice to be made while acknowledging the environmental aspects, particularly in buildings with environmental certification (HQE, LEED, BREEAM, etc.).
2014 2015 2016 2017
To achieve a sales coverage rate of:
51% 55% 59% 63% 67%
2018 achievement: At the end of 2018, 70% of the Group’s sales were generated using products with a PEP.
2014 2015 2016 2017
Target achievement rate*
101% 101% 102% 106% 105%
* Calculated on year-end sales (excluding services and acquisitions in 2018) compared with annual targets.
An industry-wide approach The Product Environmental Profile (PEP) is a reference tool for information on the environmental impact of electrical products. It is based on an international benchmark standard, ISO 14025 – Environmental labels and declarations – Type III environmental declarations. The information provided is taken from the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), which calculates the environmental impact of a product or service over its entire lifetime using the EIME (Environmental Improvement Made Easy) calculation software, applying the rules defined by ISO 14040 – Environmental Management – LCA. N.B. LCA techniques and calculations are also used to optimize the environmental performance of products during the design phase. This subject is covered in section 4.5.2.
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