LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document
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This deployment is supported by various tools: procedural guidelines (definitions and reasons behind the issues and priorities, the way in which each entity contributes, the performance evaluation grid, and individual and consolidated dashboards for the Group), communication tools and best practices, available on the Group’s intranet. The progress and evaluation of the roadmap’s 21 priorities are measured through 31 indicators. Most of the data used to measure these indicators are derived from the Group’s reporting tools, especially those pertaining to Occupational Health & Safety, Human Resources, Environment and Marketing. For more information on the Group’s reporting tools, see section 4.7.1 of this registration document. The 31 indicators mentioned above are deployed at two levels: W locally : for each priority item, the achievements of each entity are ranked on four levels (“Insufficient”, “Deployment”, “Performance”, “Excellence”). A CSR dashboard is produced annually for each entity, which allows them to track their performance over time, and also track their performance relative to that of the Group as a whole. The Group’s aimwas for all scopes to achieve at least Performance level the end of 2018. Local CSR performance is one of the criteria, with a weighting of around 10%, for measuring the individual performance of the managers of subsidiaries, regions or SBUs. At the end of 2018, the CSR performance levels of more than 60 reporting scopes (subsidiaries, regions or entities) had been assessed, representing
all Group activities (apart from new acquisitions not included in the Group’s reporting, as per the rules described in section 4.7.1 of this document). Of these reporting scopes: W 86%were at “Performance” level (rating greater than or equal to 2.5 on a scale of 1 to 4) versus 83% in 2017, W 14% were at “Deployment” level (rating between 2 and 2.5) versus 13% in 2017, W 0% were at “Insufficient” level (rating below 2) versus 4% in 2017; W at the consolidated Group level : the overall CSR performance results from the consolidated results of all its entities. Measured on quantitative indicators, performance is compared against a baseline established at the end of 2013. The variable compensation of Executive Committee members, including the Chief Executive Officer, was linked to the Group’s consolidated CSR performance, with a 10% weighting. One quarter of the performance criteria for performance shares awarded under four-year plans to members of the Executive Committee, including the Chief Executive Officer, and to key managers has been linked to the Group’s consolidated CSR performance in connection with the roadmap. The performance of certain departments within the Group is also partially assessed on the basis of CSR criteria, including, for example, the completion rate of individual appraisal reviews for some human resources functions, and the assessment rate for suppliers according to sustainable development criteria for buyers.
4.1.6 – Recognized CSR performance
To promote transparency and openness, in particular towards investors and shareholders, Legrand regularly responds to requests relating to its non-financial performance. That performance is recognized and rewarded by its inclusion in some of the world’s leading CSR indexes, including at the end of 2018: W CDP Climate Change (A- rating); W DJSI: score of 80 in 2018; W FTSE4Good; W ESI Excellence Europe and Excellence Global;
W Euronext Vigeo: Eurozone 120, Europe 120; W MSCI SRI Index: World, ACWI, Europe;
W STOXX ® Global ESG Leaders, STOXX ® Global ESG Environmental Leaders, STOXX ® Global ESG Governance Leaders, STOXX ® Global ESG Social Leaders, EURO STOXX ® Sustainability Index; W ISS Oekom Corporate Rating (Prime Status). To allow access to the information, a special CSR analysts’ room is available on our corporate website www.legrand.com .
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