LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document
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4.1.4 – CSR standards applied
Legrand applies the main international standards concerning Corporate Social Responsibility. These include: W the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; W the Declaration of the International Labour Organization (ILO); W the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and ISO 26000 guidelines, which are also used as tools to evaluate the Group’s approach (see cross-reference tables in sections 4.6.5 and 4.6.8 respectively); W the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2030) (see cross reference table in section 4.6.7); W the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (see cross-reference table in section 4.6.6). Legrand complies with its regulatory obligations regarding ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) risks, mainly: W French act no. 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016 on the fight against corruption; W French act no. 2017-399 of March 27, 2017 on the duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies; W French act no. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 on personal data protection; W obligations relating to the publication of non-financial information set out in article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code as amended by French act no. 2018-898 of October 23, 2018 (transposing European Directive 2014/95/EU). The “declaration of extra-financial performance” replaces the previous “Grenelle 2” reporting. An Independent Third-Party Organization issues a reasoned opinion on the information published. One of the Group’s Statutory Auditors, Deloitte & Associés, has been appointed for that purpose. It has produced a certificate of completeness regarding CSR information, as well as a reasoned opinion on its accuracy.
Focus: Confirmation of the Group’s commitment to the Global Compact “Legrand stands by its commitment to the ten principles of the Global Compact. Since we joined the Global Compact in 2006, we have made consistent efforts, within our sphere of influence, to ensure progress in areas relating to human rights, working standards, protection of the environment and the fight against corruption. These principles are fully in line with the Group’s Charter of Fundamental Principles and are incorporated into company policy through our CSR strategy. This results in a model for business development founded on a set of workforce-related, social and environmental values, which we actively promote in all our subsidiaries and in relationships with our stakeholders in all parts of the world. In the interest of transparency and continued progress, we are including in this registration document a progress report on Legrand’s CSR efforts.” Benoît Coquart, Chief Executive Officer of Legrand These external standards and regulations are adopted by the Group’s entities in the form of policies, charters, guides and procedures that all employees are expected to observe, in particular: W the Charter of Fundamental Principles , which lays down the rules on how to behave and conduct business, and incorporates the principles of combating corruption and respecting human rights. The text has been translated into around 10 languages and is accompanied by a practical guide; W the Fair Competition Charter , which defines rules on complying with competition law; W the Guide to Good Business Practice , which focuses on preventing corruption and fraud. Other matters relating to conflicts of interest, lobbying, political contributions and compliance with international trade rules (compliance with sanctions, combating money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities) are also covered;
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