LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document
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4.5.1 – Issue no. 9: Reducing the Group’s environmental footprint
through continuous improvement plans incorporating the Group’s best practices and environmental techniques. This commitment represents a major ongoing effort, especially in countries where regulations and standards fall short of the criteria for ISO 14001 certification. The introduction of an ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system (EMS) has two main consequences: W it determines the site’s significant environmental aspects (SEAs). The site’s management and personnel will put measures in place in accordance with the site’s environment, activities and local culture in order to prevent pollution and environmental risks in general; W it establishes a continual improvement process, often symbolized by the Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), involving the implementation of concrete improvements. For example: improvements to energy efficiency in compressed air circuits and industrial cooling systems; reductions in water consumption in industrial processes; reductions in waste production at source and the installation of recovery processes. R CONTROLLINGWATER CONSUMPTION The Legrand Group monitors its water use separately and takes the scarcity of the local water supply into consideration. It measures its impact by taking account of the water consumption at industrial sites (using environmental reporting data) and the local value of water, which is estimated based on its natural availability and the conditions for accessing it. For this reason, the Group uses public benchmarks to assess its exposure and dependency on water. By combining the consumption reported by the sites and theWSI (Water Stress Index) mapping data published by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), the Environment Department has identified the 20 sites that account for 80% of the Group’s water stress worldwide. This analysis has revealed that approximately 73% of the Group’s water consumption occurs at industrial sites situated in zones where there is low or moderate water consumption (WSI index less than or equal to 0.7). This approach enables the SBUs (Strategic Business Units) to focus their actions on the most sensitive sites in terms of their environmental impact on local water resources. Legrand uses water of standard sanitary quality. It is not required to comply with any restrictions such as those relating to physico- chemical, microbiological or organoleptic parameters. Most of Legrand’s water consumption is for sanitary use by staff in the workplace. The treatment of waste water is therefore similar to the treatment of water used by the local community.
Legrand deploys its environmental policy on its sites through ISO 14001 certification. This has led to an EMS (Environmental Management System) being set up, accompanied by an ISO 50001-compliant energy management systemat some European sites. This process, along with a host of local EMS initiatives that have proven effective in the Group entities that are most advanced in terms of environmental management, has led to a reduction in the company’s environmental footprint. R SYSTEMATICALLY OBTAINING ISO 14001 CERTIFICATION FOR GROUP SITES Legrand’s approach is to prevent environmental risks and improve the performance of its sites. The management systems of industrial and logistics sites are assessed regularly and appropriate action plans are implemented as part of a continuous improvement process. This has resulted in third-party ISO 14001 certification of sites covered by the Group’s environmental reporting. 2014-2018 Group priority To achieve ISO 14001 certification at more than 90% of the Group’s industrial and logistics sites. Key performance indicator : the percentage of the Group’s sites with ISO 14001 certification. Annual targets:
2014 2015 2016 2017
Certification rate of sites*
87% 88% 89% 90% 90%
Belonging to the Group for more than five years.
2018 achievements: At the end of 2018, 90% of the industrial and logistics sites that had been part of the Group for more than five years had been ISO 14001 certified.
2014 2015 2016 2017
Target achievement rate*
102% 104% 102% 102% 100%
Calculated against annual targets.
Procedure Sites of companies that the Group has recently acquired must be certified within five years. New sites joining Legrand are therefore assisted in their efforts to reach the required performance level
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