LEGRAND / 2018 Registration document

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2018 achievements: W 94% of employees attended one or more training courses during the year; W 96% of staff were covered by a review of high potential and specialist employees through the Organization and Staffing Review (OSR) process; W 90% of managers’ CAPP meetings were completed; W the manager retention rate was 95% for the year. 2018 Target achievement rate 71% 90% 104% 107% 108% Calculated in relation to the average achievement rate for the above four indicators, determined in relation to the annual targets. For both the CAPP achievement rate and the training rate, actions taken with people who left the company during the year are taken into account. The rates are calculated for the workforce registered at the end of the period. Roll-out of training programs The Group’s training commitments and policies are as follows: W to pursue and maintain training programs that guarantee health, safety and well-being in the workplace and are proven to raise performance levels; W to continue with and maintain training/awareness programs for managers and employees to foster diversity and combat all forms of discrimination; W to introduce formal individual training courses for talented employees in order to support them in new roles, increase their responsibilities and manage change; W to continue orientation programs for key personnel at various entities in order to help them succeed and acclimatize them swiftly to the business culture; W to continue management training in order to equip newmanagers with core management skills and strengthen the leadership skills of more experienced managers; W to train sales teams on new solutions, products and systems to increase sales and boost market share. Cross-functional management is steered either centrally or locally within the subsidiaries, and allows training needs to be more clearly identified and customized approaches developed. In 2018, more than 476,000 hours of training were provided. 2014 2015 2016 2017

Training is provided every year to managers, who play a vital role in identifying priority needs, recommending the development of core competencies, and maintaining and developing the commitment of their employees. In addition, coaching programs help employees settle into their new roles and contribute to their personal development. Management and leadership Based on the annual appraisal, behavioral competency matrix and talent review, targeted training for different categories is put in place at Group level and in some entities. The training is sometimes combined with external potential assessment tools, as in North America for example. For the experts identified in organizational reviews, other types of training are arranged, such as 2DI (innovation development). Corporate training The Group has a specific talent training program with the aim of developing and retaining key employees at all subsidiaries. It concerns employees in key operational areas who need to play a role as intermediary in their respective geographic regions. The aims of this program, designed in partnership with IMD Lausanne, are to develop leadership skills and improve ownership of Legrand’s strategy, as well as create an international talent pool. The program includes modules on self-knowledge, teamwork from a leadership perspective (with plenary sessions and practical workshops), and an introduction to new collaborative working methods. Trainees also have an opportunity to meet the Group leadership. The program cascades down into local programs, such as the Effective Leadership program in Mexico and Emerging Leaders program in the United States, illustrating the complementary nature of the various arrangements. In 2018, more than 3,000 people received training on digital themes across several countries (France, Italy, India, Northern and Central Europe and the United States). The aim of the training was to provide employees with a basic understanding of digital themes such as smart homes, big data and e-commerce. Induction process To help new hires reach the required competency level as quickly as possible, some countries (Mexico, USA) have implemented local induction programs. In some cases, Early-in-Career development programs are in place. These consist of assigning a talented young employee to different functions in turn, or to major projects within the same business line.





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