Integrated Report 2020-2021


In a group as global and diversified as Thales, corporate responsibility is inseparable from the concepts of security and performance. Beyond its obligation to comply with laws and standards of ethical conduct, it is a key strategic advantage for the business. Resulting from the implementation of the best professional practices and the maturity acquired in this domain, this integrated report details the strategy, governance and financial and non-financial performance of the Group with a view to creating value. Thales believes this document will contribute to a better understanding of its business activities , the complexity of its working environments. It is also a testament to the Company’s commitment to all of its stakeholders. METHODOLOGY An internal working group under the guidance of the Ethics, Integrity and Corporate Responsibility Departement, and comprising members from several functional departments, was involved throughout the process to provide the underlying structure for this information. Several members of Thales Executive Committee also participated in producing the report. The aim has been to focus the integrated report on Thales’s strategy and to select only the most relevant information regarding this strategy, rather than producing an exhaustive list; it supplements the 2020 Universal Registration Document and refers to it whenever necessary. The purpose of this report is to detail the way in which Thales interacts with its ecosystem and uses capital to create short, medium and long-term value. SCOPE The report covers the 2020 financial year (1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020). It includes medium and long- term outlooks and thus provides a forward-looking view of the Group within its environment.

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Building a future we can all trust

2020 Universal registration document including the Annual Financial Report

2020 Universal Registration Document

Overview of Thales

Thales key corporate responsibility documents: Code of ethics Code of conduct – Prevention of corruption and influence peddling User guide to the internal alert system

Thales would like to thank Group employees for their contributions. This document is printed in France by an Imprim’Vert certified printer on PEFC certified paper produced from sustainably managed forest. PHOTO CREDITS

Contents: © Getty Images • page 4: © Eric M - Encre Noire • page 10, from left to right: © Shaun Roster / © op Nukoonrat - • page 11: © Thales / © Remy Gabalda ToulEco / © Gemalto / © Thales • page 13, from top to bottom: © MarioGuti / © Damen / © Thales / © Thales – CIMR/ © Daniil Peshkov - • page 14-15: © ESA-Pierre Carril • page 25, from top to bottom: © ESA - ATG medialabl / NASA / JPL / © Government of Dubaï - Road and Transport Authority (RTA) • page 28: © Shutterstock • page 32-33: © AlpTransit Gotthard AG • page 37: © 2020 Alexandre - LIGHT EX MACHINA

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