Ipsos’ assets The tryptic « Sciences, Know-how and Technology » with its teams at the core

Sciences Ipsos maintains and develops a strong expertise in the scientific fields applied to market research to always better understand individuals whether they are consumers, clients, citizens or employees. As an example, we master and apply behavioural sciences and neurosciences to reinforce our understanding of the non-conscious and non-verbal and enhance the accuracy of our analysis. Technology Ipsos masters all the technologies applicable to market research including those allowing the use of new types of data such as web and social media data (text, images and videos automated analytics…), behavioural data or complex data visualization techniques.

Know-how Ipsos has a unique know-how thanks to its experience of more than 42 years. Its international dimension with a strong local presence in 89 countries and 200 cities ensures a better understanding of Society, Markets and People regardless of the country – developed or emerging –. Teams With nearly 16,700 employees, Ipsos’ teams are multicultural and trained to the latest techniques. They are the foundation of Ipsos’ reputation for excellence with over 5,000 clients in all sectors and through more than 60,000 research projects run every year. All Ipsos’ employees adhere to our 5 core values: Integrity, Curiosity, Collaboration, Client First, Entrepreneurial Spirit. Our assets, innovation and the relevance of our positioning allow us to attract the new talents of tomorrow.


Ipsos - Highlights 2017

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