Hermès // CSR Extract 2023




ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS FRAMEWORK ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY pursuing an environmental policy formally approved by the Executive Committee and, with the support of the commercial and real estate departments, coordinates the House’s energy programmes (construction, consumption, transportation). METHODOLOGY: TOOLS, ANALYSIS AND MONITORING Since 2012, in order to monitor environmental data from its manufacturing sites, Hermès has been using a reporting software accessible as a web resource to collect data about consumption at each site. The software also provides access to documentation explaining how the performance indicators are organised and defined. A consistency check is carried out automatically when the figures are entered, and again when the global consolidation is performed by the industrial department, as well as for audits carried out by the independent third party and the Statutory Auditors. Since 2018, all industrial environmental indicators are reported for a period running from November through October. For methodological reasons, some of the activity data used in the scope 3 carbon emissions calculation cover a calendar year. For internal sites, oversight of environmental actions occurs in different ways. The industrial department and its EHS Officers exert a first level of control within the context of a “water, energy, carbon, waste” plan that is updated each year. In the context of this effort, the audit and risk management department conducts audits on the critical topics included in the Group’s risk map (see chapter 4 “Risk factors and management”, § 4.1). Lastly, external controls are performed on the Hermès Group’s suppliers to ensure all entities are covered. The industrial affairs department consolidates the results of these audits as part of an ongoing process of improvement. For external suppliers (§ 2.6.1), the Purchasing Committee reviews the results presented by the direct purchasing department as well as those of the indirect purchasing department several times a year. It monitors the number of audits conducted per year as well as the quality of the results. The industrial affairs department, under the control of the audit and risk management department (A&RMD), crafts action plans with the relevant métiers and monitors their progress. In 2023, the reporting of environmental indicators covered 100% of Hermès sites (manufacturing sites, stores, tertiary sites). However, some of them were unable to report their consumption due to recently joining the Group. In the event of difficulty in accessing information, certain activity data were calculated from representative data. COMPLIANCE, ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS AND FINANCIAL GUARANTEES In 2023, no sites were subject to a formal notice. As part of the prevention and control of risks, the following measures were taken: The Pierre‑Bénite Leather Goods workshop submitted a technical file in March 2023 relating to work to bring the building allowing water management in the event of fire into line with regulations. This file, validated by the prefecture in August 2023, follows the formal notice received from the DREAL in May 2022. The work is scheduled for 2024.

Hermès’ environmental policy is based on several principles: “Global warming, its impact on biodiversity and the industrialisation of raw materials are areas of concern, which we address through our climate strategy, our concrete initiatives in terms of responsible supply chains and our policies to preserve natural resources.” Axel Dumas, Executive Chairman of Hermès. Environmental topics are supervised by a member of the Executive Committee in charge of the Manufacturing Division & Equity Investments, who is supported by the industrial department, and the Group real estate department. These topics are clearly at the core of the Group Sustainable Development Board’s discussions. An annual analysis is conducted by the main métiers of the House when the strategic plans are being prepared to identify issues in terms of environmental protection. These various challenges go hand‑in‑hand with practical objectives shared with the Executive Committee. From a regulatory perspective, the Hermès Group’s policy is to establish action plans that are adapted to the various métiers, in order to understand and comply with regulations but also to monitor progress made. Each métier is responsible for monitoring and implementing the applicable regulations. The industrial affairs and Group real estate departments are responsible for alerts, oversight and control in this area, along with the Group’s legal department, where appropriate. More specifically, the industrial department, together with the métiers and all players in the production entities, is comply with Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) regulations, working conditions, and prepare for changes in these regulations whenever possible. The industrial department coordinates a network of EHS Officers at the manufacturing sites; s respect natural resources and favour the cleanest, most economical technologies and the most environmentally‑friendly substances; s manage energy resources by reducing energy consumption and favouring the use of renewable energies; s manage water responsibly and sustainably. Reduce volumes of water withdrawals, recycle and improve the quality of discharges in relation to ecosystems, particularly in areas with high water stress. Engage alongside stakeholders in watersheds to preserve this shared resource; s minimise waste production and recycle it as much as possible; s resolutely commit to a low‑carbon world, implement scientifically‑based objectives and actions compatible with a trajectory limiting global warming to 1.5°C by 2050, across the entire value chain and beyond Hermès’ sphere of influence; s increase the resilience of the Hermès model in the face of environmental changes. Study their effects, inform and collaborate with our partners and suppliers to adapt the entire value chain. s GOVERNANCE



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