required for manual cutting stations using grinding stones or diamonds. Other sites Actions to manage water consumption mainly include the reuse of process water, for example cleaning the CATE WWTP with water from the enamel decoration tables, or use of a closed circuit for the cooling of colour grinders at Beyrand, with an expected gain of 220 m of water for the same level of activity. At Puiforcat, water consumption was stable despite an increase in activity of 21%. At HCI, water is only used for washroom purposes and for watering green spaces. AGRICULTURAL WATER 5 Farms / 2.7% increase in consumption in 2022 compared to 2021 The Farms divisions are respectively composed of one alligator farm ( alligator mississippiensis ) and a hide inspection centre in the United States, four crocodile farms ( crocodylus porosus ) and two hide processing and hide inspection facilities in Australia. These figures include the new farm, under construction in Australia, which will reach full production capacity in 2024. Despite growing demand from the latter, the division’s water abstraction for 2022 amounted to 4,680 ML, a slight reduction compared to 2021 (-2.7%) due to efforts made to reduce water consumption. Water consumption control relies on the monthly monitoring of the farms’ consumption and the water quality of the tanks and effluents (in accordance with applicable standards). The water used in the sites of the Australian division comes mainly from boreholes (74%), while the use of municipal sources is limited (8%). The remainder (18%) comes from a sugar cane production plant located near one of the farms, thanks to an innovative industrial circularity operation, in which the hot production water is exchanged for the farm’s effluents to irrigate the fields. The American farm exclusively uses well water from hot springs, which also allows it to significantly limit its energy requirements. In order to limit water abstraction, studies are underway to recycle part of the wastewater in a closed loop by treating it sufficiently for the level of quality to make it suitable for reuse. 3 AGRICULTURAL WATER CONSUMPTION 2019 2020 2021 2022 4,512 4,495 4,810 4,680 In megalitres Number of farms 4 4 5

de Nontron thanks to a dedicated progress plan including the commissioning of a new softener and water sub‑meters for optimal management. J3L / Consumption cannot be compared with 2021; an additional meter was installed in 2022 on one of the sites to measure all consumption To achieve the objectives set by the Group, J3L implements actions to save, recycle or reuse the water used at its various sites. The majority of sites obtain water from municipal networks. The J3LP site has installed an underground tank to collect rainwater, which meets 47% of its consumption needs. This is supplemented by the use of water from an artesian well. In view of the savings generated, the implementation of rainwater recovery on other Group sites is being considered. In addition, a reverse osmosis water recycling project is being studied for this site, which is the Group’s largest water consumer. This natural water filtration system retains particles and only allows water to pass through. This filtered water can be reused after it has passed through the system. The site estimates the amount of water that can be treated by the system at 16 m per day, or approximately 4,000 m per year. At Polissage Brun, the rinsing water from a washing machine is filtered and then reused to rinse another washing machine. The surface treatment sites favour the recycling of wastewater, thanks to water treatment plants using evapo‑concentration, thus allowing a significant water saving. For 2023, J3L is looking for solutions to better control its water consumption, in particular by installing sub‑meters on sites that are not yet equipped with these. This will make it possible to detect any leaks in the network as well as to target the most water‑intensive processes. Crystal manufacturing A high‑performance facility for the treatment of water from the crystal‑cutting circuit has been installed at some of the facilities. This new compact, flexible and modular solution offers both technical and environmental benefits. Water and refrigerant consumption is minimal thanks to the treatment process being implemented in a closed circuit. The life of the dip is extended by better separation of the dry, easy‑to‑remove residues and the suspension of particles preventing sedimentation in the pipes. The water is thus kept longer and with a higher level of quality. A similar investment is planned for 2023 in order to optimise the recycling and lifespan of the water network 3 3



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