Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document
Hermès’ sustainable development involves acquiring, enriching and passing on the savoir-faire of its employees, which is one of its key assets. More broadly, Hermès contributes to preserving and perpetuating multiple types of craftsmanship savoir-faire , particularly in the manufacturing sector, which is conducive to a more responsible and sustainable economic development.
Introduction The advantage and appeal of the Hermès model is its ability to expand it's wealth of internal talents to complement the needs of the different types of jobs with very diversified activities within the House. Its ability to recruit, and then train its employees using an internal method of transmission of savoir-faire , guarantees the sustainability of its business model. To continue to develop its model, its culture and its unique savoir-faire , the House continually invests in training initiatives that enable employees to acquire new skills. This commitment to employee training is reflected in all métiers and in a multimodal approach with the creation of digital pathways. For production and distribution activities, training programmes are tailor-made and rolled out locally or by the Group in Paris. This can be seen, in particular, in the acquisition of savoir-faire in an employee’s first job as a leather worker, in the engineering incubator within the École du Cuir and the École du Textile, and the qualifications gained through certification or diplomas.
In 2021, where possible, training was adapted and provided remotely, particularly for distribution, to ensure continuity in employee support. A new shared training assessment tool was gradually implemented during 2021 to enable the main training courses to be assessed. The objective is to monitor the effectiveness of training programmes and to follow-up with employees on the results. Hermès also contributes to the preservation and sustainability of craftsmanship savoir-faire outside its direct sphere of action through its relationships with professional training centres throughout France (whose expertise is used by other economic players) as well as by promoting the value of its métiers externally and among younger generations. By bringing the wealth and excellence of craftsmanship to the attention of these populations, and by expressing future needs, particularly in the manufacturing sector, Hermès is helping to create rewarding careers and professional prospects. Information related to the management of the Covid-19 health crisis is detailed in the focus box in paragraph 2.1.
In 2021, the Group made progress on the main issues relating to transmission, with the aim of making a long-term difference through steady improvements with a significant impact. Among these, the selected elements below are particularly illustrative of 2021 for this section: Creation of an integrated leather goods apprentice training centre (École Hermès des Savoir-Faire). s Creation of an École des Artisans de la Vente training centre (France). s More than 420,000 hours of training. s Provision of e-learning training on sustainable development. s Formalisation under the Hermès framework of the sustainable development strategy of 49 Group entities. s Partnership with Paris School of Economics (PSE) and ENSAM. s
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