Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document




Required elements

Reference texts

Chapter / § / Page

Governance information 3.15 Offices and positions held in any Company by each Corporate Officer during the past financial year 3.16 Agreements, other than those relating to current transactions concluded under normal terms and conditions, directly or through an intermediary, between i) one of the Corporate Officers or shareholders holding more than 10% of the voting rights of a company and ii) another company in which the first company directly or indirectly holds more than half of the capital 3.17 Summary table of delegations of authority and powers granted by the General Meeting to Executive Management with respect to capital increases

Article L. 225-37-4, 1° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3 § / pages 231-233 § 3.4.8 / pages 256 et seq. Chapter 3 § 3.9.1 / pages 315-317

Article L. 226-10 of the French Commercial Code

Articles L. 225-37-4, 3° and L. 226-10 of the French Commercial Code Article L. 225-37-4, 4° of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10 of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10, 2° of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10, 3° of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10, 4° of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10, 5° of the French Commercial Code Article L. 22-10-10, 6° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 3 § 3.9.4 / pages 321-323

3.18 Methods of implementing Group management


3.19 Composition and conditions governing the preparation and organisation of Supervisory Board’s work

Chapter 3 § 3.4 to 3.7 / pages 241 to 292 Chapter 3 § 3.4.3 / pages 244-246

3.20 Application of the principle of balanced gender representation on the Board and description of the diversity policy applied within the Board

3.21 Possible limitations on the powers of the Executive Chairmen


3.22 Reference to a Corporate Governance Code and application of the “comply or explain” principle 3.23 Specific terms and conditions relating to shareholder participation in the General Meeting 3.24 Procedure implemented by the Company to regularly assess the nature of ordinary and regulated agreements

Chapter 3 § 3.1 / page 223

Chapter 3 § 3.9.3 / pages 319-320 Chapter 3 § / page 318 Chapter 3 § 3.9.2 / pages 318-319 Chapter 3 § 3.3.4 / pages 238-240

3.25 Information on factors liable to affect the outcome of a public offering Article L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code

3.26 Non-discrimination and diversity policy with respect to the balanced representation of women and men in the governing bodies and diversity in the 10% of key management positions

Articles L. 225-37-4, 6° and L. 22-10-74 of the French Commercial Code


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