Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document



CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT REPORT 9.5.2 (Articles L. 225-100 et seq., L. 232-I, II and R. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce)) In order to facilitate the reading of this document, the cross-reference table below makes it possible to identify the information that must be included in the management report, in accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code applicable to société en commandite par actions (partnership limited by shares). Items that are not applicable to Hermès International are marked “n/a”.


Required elements

Reference texts

Chapter / § / Page

1/1 Group situation and activity in 2021 / Comments on the financial year 1.1 Situation of the Company during the past financial year and objective and exhaustive analysis of the evolution of the

Articles L. 225-100-1, I., 1°, L. 232-1, II, L. 233-6, L. 22-10-35 and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Highlights 2021 / pages 6-7 Chapter 1 § 1.6 / pages 26 et seq. § 1.7 / pages 35 et seq. § 1.8 / pages 38 et seq. § 1.9 / page 40

business, earnings and financial position of the Company and the Group, in particular its debt position, with regard to volume and complexity of the business

1.2 Financial key performance indicators

Article L. 225-100-1, I., 2 ° of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 1 § 1.5 / page 24

1.3 Non-financial key performance indicators relating to the Company’s specific activity, in particular information on environmental and staff issues with reference made to amounts featured in the annual financial statements and the relevant additional explanations 1.4 Important events between the closing date of the financial year and the date the report is established 1.5 Identity of the main shareholders and holders of voting rights at General Meetings, and changes made during the financial year

Chapter 2 § 2.1 -2.9 / pages 47 et seq.

Articles L. 232-1, II. and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code Article L. 232-1 of the French Commercial Code Article L. 233-6, paragraph 1 of the French Commercial Code Articles L. 233-29, L. 233-30 and R. 233-19 of the French Commercial Code Articles L. 232-1, II and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code Articles L. 232-1, II and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 1 § 1.9 / page 40

Chapter 7 § / pages 452-453

1.6 Existing branches

Chapter 6 § 6.8.1 / page 432 Chapter 6 § 6.8.3 / page 432

1.7 Significant equity investments in companies based in France or the takeover of such companies 1.8 Disposals of shares arising from the effect of regulating cross-shareholdings


1.9 Foreseeable developments of the Company and its outlook

Chapter 1 § 1.10 / page 41

1.10 Company research and development activities

Chapter 2 § 2.4 / pages 109 et seq. § 2.5 / pages 129 et seq. § 2.6 / pages 167 et seq.

1.11 Table of the Company’s results during each of the last five financial years 1.12 Information regarding payment terms of suppliers and customers of the Company whose annual financial statements are certified by a Statutory Auditor 1.13 Amount of loans with a maturity of less than two years granted by the Company, on an ancillary basis to its main activity, to micro-companies or small or medium-sized companies with which it has economic links 1.14 Activity of the Company’s subsidiaries and companies under its control

Article R. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code Article D. 441-4 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 6 § 6.6 / page 430 Chapter 6 § 6.7 / page 431

Articles L. 511-6 and R. 511-2-1-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Chapter 6 § 6.8.2 / page 432

Article L. 233-6 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter 1 § 1.4 / pages 17 to 23 Chapter 6 § 6.5 (Note 7.3) / page 423 § 6.8 / page 432


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