Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Main duties and work carried out in 2021 1

Purpose of duties

organise a selection procedure in conjunction with the Executive Chairmen for future independent members of the • Board and carry out its own research on potential candidates [ n/a in 2021] ; prepare the Board’s proposals to the Active partner concerning the composition of the Supervisory Board after having s examined all the elements it must take into account in its deliberation: desired balance in the composition of the Board in relation to the diversity policy applied within the Supervisory Board, the composition and changes in the Company’s shareholding structure, search for and assessment of potential candidates, opportunity for reappointments; set up and participate in the induction and training programme for new members of the Supervisory Board; s ensure the existence of a talent succession plan, which covers the members of the Executive Committee and the s Operations Committee; ensure the existence of a succession plan for the Executive Chairmen and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and s conduct an annual review. propose regular updates to the governance rules taking into account the recommendations issued by the Afep-Medef s Code, the application guide of the High Committee on Corporate Governance (HCGE) and the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) in its annual report on corporate governance and Senior Executive compensation; periodically verify the situation of the members of the Supervisory Board with regard to the independence criteria set s by the rules of procedure, the number of directorships, potential conflicts of interest and compliance with the requirement to hold a minimum of 100 shares; review the composition of the specialised committees; s determine at least annually the members of the Audit and Risk Committee with specific expertise in finance or s accounting and risk management; oversee the annual debate and evaluation of Supervisory Board practices; s manage the three-year formal evaluation of the Supervisory Board: decision on whether or not to use an external firm, s evaluation process and questionnaire, launch of the evaluation, summary and analysis of findings, areas for improvement [n/a in 2021] ; update the Supervisory Board’s permanent file; s analyse related-party agreements before reclassifying them and giving an opinion to the Supervisory Board; • give an opinion to the Supervisory Board on the classification of an agreement entered into under arm’s length s conditions; review chapter 3 on corporate governance of the universal registration document and in particular the provisions of the s HR challenges assist the Supervisory Board in monitoring social, non-discrimination and diversity policies; s be informed of the annual rankings regarding the representation of women in large companies and the criteria taken s into account in their preparation; be informed of leadership development actions; s be informed of the publication of the Hermès International gender equality index; s be informed of recruitment issues, employer brand and support for growth; • be informed of the Group’s approach to diversity, inclusion and gender balance. • CSR challenges assist the Supervisory Board in monitoring CSR issues; s be informed of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, the achievements of the past s financial year in relation to the objectives and the outlook; monitor non-financial performance indicators and consideration of social and environmental challenges; s be regularly informed of the assessments of non-financial agencies; s be informed of the content of the Non-Financial Performance Statement (NFPS); s be informed, in a joint meeting with the Audit and Risk Committee, of exposure to CSR risks. s Afep-Medef Code that have been set aside and the related explanations; approve the revision of the rules of procedure of the CAG-CSR Committee. •





One-off or multi-year topics •

(1) Non-exhaustive list

Annual topics




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