Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document



Main duties and work carried out in 2021 1


be informed through the CAG-CSR Committee of the main challenges facing the Company in the area of corporate s social responsibility; assess the level of achievement of the CSR criterion attached to the compensation of the Executive Chairmen, s through the CAG-CSR Committee. establish the compensation policy applicable to members of the Supervisory Board; s issue an advisory opinion on the compensation policy for Executive Chairmen established by the Active partner; s set the allocation and payment of compensation of members of the Board and committees; s be informed of the adoption of free share allocation plans by the Executive Management [n/a in 2021]; • be informed of the payment of additional profit-sharing decided by the Executive Management [n/a in 2021] . • delegate the regular review of the anti-corruption system to the Audit and Risk Committee; • ensure, through the Audit and Risk Committee, the implementation of a system for the prevention and detection of s corruption and influence-peddling and be regularly informed of the Group’s situation; be informed, through the Audit and Risk Committee, of the personal data protection system put in place within the s Group and its compliance with the GDPR regulation (European regulation of 27 April 2016 No. 2016/679). authorise and declassify, where applicable, related-party agreements and carry out an annual review of those s whose effect persisted over time (see the Supervisory Board’s report to the General Meeting in chapter 8 “Combined General Meeting of 20 April 2022”, § 8.3); establish a procedure for the regular evaluation of current agreements concluded under arm’s length conditions s authorise the Executive Management to grant sureties, endorsements and guarantees to commitments by the s companies controlled without limit of amount and time and be informed annually by the Executive Management of the guarantees granted; conduct an annual review of all sureties, endorsements and guarantees granted that are still in force; s be informed of the implementation of an internal procedure for requesting authorisation of a surety or guarantee • from Hermès International in favour of a subsidiary or controlled company; take note of the opinion of the Social and Economic Committee on the strategic orientations of the Company, on s which the Executive Management is required to formulate a reasoned response; take note of the updated of the Hermès Group Stock Market Ethics Code; • remind the relevant persons of the responsibility inherent in holding inside information and take note of the s blackout periods applicable to Permanent Insiders; be informed of the content and impact of legislative and regulatory developments affecting the Supervisory Board • [n/a in 2021] ; approve the amendment of certain articles of the Articles of Association of Émile Hermès SAS, Active partner. • attend several detailed presentations in the year on a specific or general topic relating to the Group’s activity; s devote one of its meetings to a site visit to improve its knowledge of one of the Group’s subsidiaries or to gain a s concrete understanding of an area of the Group’s activity. and take note of the annual report of the Current Agreements Committee; discuss the Company’s policy with regard to gender equality and equal pay; s



Ethics and compliance – Personal data protection

Recommendations, authorisations and other items

Major annual topics – Site visits (see § and §

One-off or multi-year topics •

(1) Non-exhaustive list

Annual topics



Since 11 September 2018, the Supervisory Board’s rules of procedure have included duties relating to the system for the prevention and detection of corruption and influence-peddling (Article, following the revision of the Afep-Medef Code in June 2018. As a result, on 16 November 2018, the Audit and Risk Committee was assigned a new duty relating to the prevention of corruption: “ensure the implementation of a system for the prevention and detection of corruption and influence-peddling”. On 19 March 2019, it was accordingly renamed the “Audit and Risk Committee”. Since 2021, the Supervisory Board has delegated the regular review of the anti-corruption system to the Audit and Risk Committee.



The systems implemented in the Group are described in chapter 2 “Corporate social responsibility”, § 2.8.


Ethics and compliance challenges as well as the related programmes have been shared regularly with the Supervisory Board since 2015. It is regularly informed about the ethics and compliance programmes and on the progress of the corruption prevention plan within the Group in compliance with law No. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016, known as “Sapin II”.


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