Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document
The purpose and nature of the main duties and work carried out by the Supervisory Board in 2021 were as follows:
Main duties and work carried out in 2021 1
be informed by the Executive Management of the Group’s situation related to Covid-19; s take note of the procedures for the General Meeting to be held in closed session. s
Work related to the health crisis
be updated on the Group’s activities by the Executive Management at each meeting; s be given a presentation by the Executive Management on the annual and half-year consolidated financial s statements and parent company financial statements and related draft financial press releases; be informed about the Company’s financial position, cash position and commitments; s be informed of the Statutory Auditors’ conclusions relating to the annual and half-year consolidated financial s statements; review the budget for each financial year; s review documents on forecasting and planning; s review the situation of certain affiliates; s formally note proposals for Group acquisitions, disposals and equity investments; s formally note investment proposals; s examine and/or approve the reports and work of the Audit and Risk Committee described in §; s regularly review, via the Audit and Risk Committee, the opportunities and risks, such as financial, legal, s operational, social and environmental risks, as well as the measures taken accordingly; be informed of changes in the composition of the Executive Committee [n/a in 2021] ; • be informed of changes made by the Executive Management to the list of banks, the list of bank signatories and • the prudential rules; attend a presentation on foreign exchange and IFRS. • prepare the Supervisory Board’s corporate governance report; s prepare the Supervisory Board’s report to the General Meeting; s approve the explanatory statements and the resolutions put to the General Meeting and acquaint itself with the s reports drawn up by the Executive Management. decide how new independent members would be recruited and how the target profile would be defined [n/a in • 2021] ; approve the proposals of reappointment or replacement of members of the Supervisory Board to be considered at s the General Meeting; decide on the renewal of the duties of the Chairman and Vice-Chairwomen after the General Meeting; s decide on the renewal of the composition of the Audit and Risk Committee and the CAG-CSR Committee. s keep itself informed at each meeting of all transactions carried out by the Executive Chairmen pursuant to the s AMF’s position-recommendation set out in DOC-2016-08 “Guide to Permanent Information and Management of Inside Information”; examine and/or approve the reports and work of the CAG-CSR Committee described in § and be informed s of governance news (AMF reports, Afep-Medef reports, HCGE report and application guide, IFA studies, etc.); approve the revised rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board, the CAG-CSR Committee and the Audit and Risk • Committee; review the annual report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on his duties with regard to shareholder s dialogue; take note of the gender equality objectives set by the Executive Management, as well as its implementation s methods and the results obtained; approve or refuse the acceptance by an Executive Chairman of any new office in a listed company [n/a in 2021] ; • ensure that the Executive Corporate Officers implemented a policy of non-discrimination and diversity, notably with s regard to the balanced representation of men and women on Governing bodies; decide on the diversity policy applied to the Supervisory Board (representation of women and men, nationalities, s ages, qualifications and professional experience, etc.); conduct a periodic self-assessment of its operation; s set the amount of preparation time allocated to the members of the Supervisory Board representing employees to s carry out their duties (minimum 15 hours per Board meeting); determine the content of the training programme to be followed by the members of the Supervisory Board s representing employees. be informed of the Executive Management’s decision to pay an interim dividend; s decide the proposed allocation of net income to be submitted to the General Meeting; s
Group activity and finance
General Meeting of 4 May 2021
One-off or multi-year topics •
(1) Non-exhaustive list
Annual topics
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