Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document



490.1 k tonnes of CO2eq for scope 3, which essentially takes into s account the carbon footprint of raw materials (62% of scope 3) as well as all purchases, fixed assets, waste, subcontracting, packaging, transport of products and employee travel. Upstream and downstream transport (categories 4 and 9) represent 14% of the total scope 3. In 2021, scope 3 of the GHG assessment underwent work on improving the scope with the SBTi, input data and an update of emission factors using internationally recognised baselines and increasingly accurate calculations. The changes in scope 3 reflect the strong upturn in activity. With a reduction of -44.8% in three years, the Group is in line with its reduction targets for 2030.

These figures confirm the merits of a low-environmental-footprint French craftsmanship model: with a carbon intensity of 82.4 (all scopes), Hermès is ranked as one of the least carbon-intensive companies of the CAC 40, based on a full scope 3. The decoupling between business growth and the Group’s footprint is -44.8% in three years.

Category 14: Emissions from franchises Not significant

SCOPE 2 Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, heat or steam supplied by others 16,124 tCO 2 e

Category 7 : Employee commuting 20,267 tCO 2 e

SCOPE 3 Other indirect emissions: Other emissions indirectly produced by the organisation’s activities which are not accounted for in scope 2 but are linked to the entire value chain, such as the purchase of raw materials, services or other products, employee travel, upstream and downstream transportation of goods, management of waste generated by the organisation’s activities, usage and end-of-life of products and services

Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities not included

Category 14bis: Downstream deductible 2,367 tCO 2 e

in scope 1 or 2 3,006 tCO 2 e

Category 6: Business travel 1,332 tCO 2 e

Category 9: Downstream transport and delivery 57,700 tCO 2 e

HERMÈS SCOPE 1 Direct greenhouse gas emissions by the reporting company itself (eg. fuel, combustion,

sold, capitalisation of production goods and equipment. 490,055 tCO 2 e

Category 4: Upstream transport and delivery 10,873 tCO 2 e

Category 1: Purchased goods and services 361,847 tCO 2 e

Category 10: Treatment of products sold Not significant

industrial process) 21,257 tCO 2 e

Category 2: Capital goods 24,594 tCO 2 e

Category 8: Upstream leased assets Not significant

Category 12: End-of-life treatment

Category 11: Use of sold product Not significant

of sold products 1,870 tCO 2 e

Category 5: Waste generated in operations 6,201 tCO 2 e

Category 15 : Investments Not significant

Category 13: Downstream leased assets Not significant


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