Hermès // 2021 Universal Registration Document


Educational establishments with which Hermès was particularly involved in 2021:

Schools of art and design, fashion and textiles École Camondo (Decorative Arts) s ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres s IFM Institut Français de la Mode s HEAD s

Engineering schools

Business and management schools and universities Sciences Po Paris s ESSEC s GEM Grenoble School of Management s IESEG s EM Lyon s HEC Paris s IAE Sorbonne, University of Lugano s (Switzerland) in partnership with the Sorbonne, Paris Dauphine University, IAE Gustave Eiffel ESSCAA s Tunon s CELSA s

École CentraleSupélec de Paris s Polytech s ENSAM s

INSA Lyon s ITECH Lyon s Polytech Angers s


examinations of these schools accessible to diverse profiles. Noting that the lack of information, self-censure, geographical distance and economic difficulties are powerful obstacles to the diversification of recruitment, this organisation works with 32 departmental intermediaries to cover the whole of mainland France. In the same vein, grants for students with disabilities are awarded as part of the disability agreement with SKEMA and the IFM Foundation. Hermès also participates in the “one young person, one solution” programme, which aims to train and facilitate the move into professional life of all young people in all regions. Finally, several partnerships have been formed with Sciences Po Paris to participate in school forums and for the mentoring of students with disabilities; initiatives to participate in public debate. s Since November 2020, Hermès has sponsored the European Chair in “Sustainable Development and Climate Transition” at Sciences Po Paris, which focuses on complementary and inseparable areas of sustainable development: climate transition, economic development and social inclusion, through an approach that brings together a variety of players and expertise and is based on collective intelligence. Together with the Paris School of Economics (PSE), Hermès funds the “Ouvrir la Science Économique” research chair, whose aim is to establish strong connections with other human and social sciences (history, sociology, demography, social psychology, political sciences, philosophy). The PSE Chair’s interdisciplinary approach is in perfect harmony with the House’s determination to contribute to the collective interest, the creation of social value, and the enhancement and protection of natural environments, by supporting the scientific expertise that makes it possible to advance academic research; initiatives to participate in school life and talent acquisition. s In 2021, personalities from the House were able to interact with students, in particular within the framework of the forums organised by the partner schools Sciences Po Paris and ENSAM.

Hermès, a player committed to education Coming from a line of craftspeople, Hermès pays particular attention to the transfer of its exceptional savoir-faire , but also to its continuous improvement. It is therefore increasingly involved upstream in the sustainability of its métiers and the excellence of craftsmanship skills. It acts to promote education, through training in unique savoir-faire . Hermès, a responsible employer, is committed to transmission and education and works to maintain close relations with the world of students. The challenges include: supporting the activities of schools and giving a societal dimension to s these relationships, as a socially responsible company; conveying the humanist and craftsmanship approach of the Hermès s corporate culture; conducting discussions with students in a changing era; s diversifying the Company’s presence and targeting new schools to s seek out talent throughout the country; to be visible in creation, craftsmanship, engineering and management s schools in France in order to showcase the reality of a quality employer, share Hermès’ long-term and humanist project and create high-quality links with students; bringing the reality of Hermès to life through concrete experiences: s entrusting practical cases, study missions, offering internship and work/study opportunities; maintain privileged relationships with young people to capture the s changes of our era. Actions in this sphere are structured at three levels: transformational initiatives for the community through support for s equal opportunities. In 2021, Hermès became a founding member of the Des territoires aux Grandes écoles (DTGE) Foundation, notably providing financial support. Created by former students of the French grandes écoles , this non-profit organisation seeks to make the competitive entrance



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