On 4 July 2017, the results of this simplified public offering were the deli- very, by Semyrhamis, of nearly 7 million shares in Hermès International to the ex-minority interests of Christian Dior, representing about 6.6% of the capital. Following the transaction, the Arnault family group held 1.87% of the capital and 1.13% of the voting rights of Hermès International (see AMF Notice No. 217C1527 of 11 July 2017 and page 298). On 21 July 2017, the Hermès family group declared that it held nearly 66.67% of the capital of Hermès International of which 0.95% of the capital by assimilation (see AMF Notice No. 217C1755 of 28 July 2017 and page 298). Changes occurring after closure of the financial year To the Company’s knowledge, there has been no significant change with regards to Hermès International shareholders between 31 December 2017 and the date on which this registration document was filed with the AMF. Measures taken to prevent abusive control Refer to Chapter 3 “Corporate Governance”, page 117, and to the para- graph “Management of conflicts of interest”, page 144. Treasury Shares On 31 December 2017, Hermès International held 1,415,702 treasury shares, representing 1.3% of its share capital, acquired as part of the share buyback programme presented on page 299.

Main shareholders as at 31 December 2017 – control of the Company

Hermès International is controlled – through the intermediary of Émile Hermès SARL, its Active Partner –by theHermès family group, which also holds, notably via the intermediary of the company H51 SAS, a majority shareholding (in capital and voting rights) within the Company in the capacity of Limited Partner. This control is exclusive control according to the meaning of Article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) . The companies H51 SAS and H2 SAS are held exclusively by members of the Hermès family group. To the Company’s knowledge, there are no shareholders other than those shown in the tables on page 296, directly or indirectly holding, alone or together, more than 5% of the share capital or voting rights. The ownership interests of Corporate Officers and Senior Executives are listed on page 180. Material changes in ownership of the share capital over the past three years are described below, under “Crossing of thresholds”. To the Company’s knowledge, the organisation of the Hermès family group has not been significantly modified since the incorporation of the company H51 SAS. Significant movements occurring during the last three years in the distribution of its share capital and voting rights, and the reasons for these movements – Retention commitment According to the terms of a transaction signed on 3 September 2014, LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton undertook to distribute to its shareholders all of the shares that it held in Hermès International, fol- lowed by the distribution by Financière Jean Goujon and Christian Dior to their own shareholders of shares thus received from LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton. The share distributions were implemented at the end of 2014 and the start of 2015, with LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior holding only a residual balance of the Hermès International shares, which they disposed of no later than 2 September 2015. LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton (in its own name and on behalf of its subsidiaries), Christian Dior (in its own name and on behalf of its subsidiaries) and Financier Jean Goujon (in its own name and on behalf of its subsidiaries) undertook to no longer hold any Hermès International shares for a period of five years. The family-owned group Arnault also committed, for the same period, not to hold a number of Hermès International shares exceeding the number it received as part of the allocations provided for under the transaction carried out on 3 September 2014 . On 25 April 2017, the Arnault family group, Christian Dior and LVMH launched a simplified public offering from the Arnault family group on Christian Dior shares that they did not hold on that date, open from 8 to 28 June 2017.

Ownership of share capital and voting rights as at 31 December 2017


Treasury shares 1.3%

Public 32.7%


Hermès family group 66.0%



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