25 - Accounts Each financial year consists of 12 months, commencing on 1 January and ending on 31 December. 26 - Allocation and distribution of profits The General Meeting approves the financial statements for the past year and duly notes the amount of distributable profits. The Company pays 0.67% of the distributable profits to the Active Partners, at the time and place designated by the Executive Management, within nine months at most after the end of the financial year. The Active Partners apportion this amount amongst themselves as they see fit. The remaining distributable profits revert to the shareholders. Their appropriation is decided by the Ordinary General Meeting, on the Supervisory Board’s recommendation. On the Supervisory Board’s recommendation, the General Meeting may grant to each shareholder an option to receive payment for all or part of the dividend or interim dividend in cash or in shares, under the conditions set by law. On the Supervisory Board’s recommendation, the General Meeting may decide to draw from the balance of profits reverting to the shareholders the sums it deems appropriate to be allocated to shareholders’ retained earnings or to be appropriated to one or more extraordinary, general or special reserve funds, which do not bear interest, and to which the Active Partners as such have no rights. On the unanimous recommendation of the Active Partners, the reserve fund or funds may, subject to approval by the Ordinary General Meeting, be distributed to the shareholders or allocated to the partial or total amortisation of the shares. Fully amortised shares shall be replaced by entitlement shares with the same rights as the former shares, with the exception of the right to reimbursement of capital. Thereservefundorfundsmayalsobe incorporated intothesharecapital. Dividends are payable at the times and places determined by the Executive Management within a maximum of nine months from the end of the financial year, unless this time period is extended by a court of law. 27 - Dissolution of the Company At the end of the Company’s lifetime or in the event of early dissolution, the General Meeting decides on the winding-up procedure and appoints one or several liquidators, whose powers are defined by themeeting and who carry out their responsibilities in accordance with the applicable laws. Any liquidation proceeds (boni de liquidation) shall be distributed amongst the shareholders.



Page 295 describes the control exercised by the company Émile Hermès SARL over Hermès International. The operation of Émile Hermès SARL, Active Partner, was not affected by the set-up of the H51 SAS company in 2011. Legal form ÉmileHermès SARL is a sociétéà responsabilité limitéeà capital variable (limited company with variable capital), constituted on 2 November 1989. Its partners are the direct descendants of Mr Émile-Maurice Hermès and his wife. In companies with variable capital, the share capital can increase or decrease constantly, as existing partners or new “incoming” partners contribute additional funds, or as “outgoing” partners withdraw their funds. Corporate purpose The sole purpose of Émile Hermès SARL is:

s to serve as Active Partner and, if applicable, as Executive Chairman of Hermès International; s potentially to own a direct or indirect equity interest in Hermès International; and s to carry out all transactions in view of pursuing and accomplishing these activities and to ascertain that any liquid assets it may hold are appropriately managed. Partners Only the following may be partners in Émile Hermès SARL:

s descendants of Mr Émile-Maurice Hermès and his wife, born Julie Hollande; and

s their spouses, but only as usufructuaries.

In the light of the Company’s purpose, no person shall be a partner if, for each share they own in Émile Hermès SARL, they do not have on deposit in the corporate accounts (draft resulting from the split that occurred on 1 March 2013): s a number of non-dismembered Hermès International shares undivi- ded and free from any encumbrance or commitment to third parties equal to 2,250 (two thousand two hundred and fifty); or s the beneficial or legal ownership of a number of Hermès International shares undivided and free from any encumbrance or commitment to third parties equal to 4,500 (four thousand five hundred). Executive Chairman Émile Hermès SARL’s Executive Chairman is Mr Henri-Louis Bauer, a great-grandson of Émile-Maurice Hermès. He was appointed on 1 July 2012.



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