HERMÈS - 2020 Universal registration document




Hermès’ sustainable development involves acquiring, enriching and passing on the savoir-faire of its employees , which is one of its key assets. More broadly, Hermès contributes to preserving and perpetuating craftsmanship, particularly in the manufacturing sector, which is conducive to a more responsible and sustainable economic development.


Introduction The appeal of the Hermès model is a major advantage in attracting and recruiting the talents that will complement the House’s needs for the different types of jobs, with very diversified activities. Its ability to recruit, but above all to directly train its employees in an internal logic of transmission of savoir-faire , guarantee the sustainability of its business model. To continue to develop its model, its culture and its unique savoir-faire , the House continually invests in training initiatives that enable employees to acquire new skills. A common assessment tool will be applied to all of the Group’s training courses from 2021 and will enable the assessment of 100% of training courses in two years. The pursuit of this objective makes it possible to assess the efficiency of training programmes and to monitor employee results. This commitment to employee training is reflected in all métiers . For production and distribution activities, training programmes are tailor-made and rolled out locally or by the Group in Paris. This can be seen, in particular, in the acquisition of savoir-faire in an employee’s first job as a leather worker, in an engineering incubator within the École du Cuir and the École du Textile, and the recognition of the qualifications gained through certification or diplomas. In the Leather Goods division, where the transmission of savoir-faire is of vital importance, a network of specialised métier trainers has been created. It holds regular meetings where trainers update techniques on the transmission of knowledge. In all French regions where Hermès opens leather workshops, partnerships are immediately forged with local schools so that training in the savoir-faire can be combined with hands-on practice. For Retail operations, sales associates, store managers and support métiers are assisted by Retail Academies in the development of both their product expertise and their customer relationships skills. From a cross-cutting perspective, training programmes are also organised to stimulate the advancement of managers identified as future Management Committees members.

Hermès also contributes to the preservation and sustainability of craftsmanship savoir-faire outside its direct sphere of action through its relationships with professional training centers throughout France (whose expertise is used by other economic players) as well as by promoting the value of its métiers externally and among younger generations. By bringing the wealth and excellence of craftsmanship to the attention of individuals, and by expressing future needs, particularly in the manufacturing sector, Hermès is helping to create rewarding careers and professional prospects. An tailor-made training offer The Group has adapted to the constraints linked to the health crisis. Priority has been given to training that can be followed remotely. Retail training in digital format was offered and implemented quickly from the start of the lockdown in France, such as by the Hermès Academy (sharing the Hermès culture and other training on products, history, the collections and communication). Training that could not be delivered remotely had to be postponed until the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021. Only priority training courses and those that could not be postponed were conducted in person. Throughout this period, the link between Maison Hermès and all employees was nourished through presentations and sharing on emblematic products. This period was also used within certain divisions to encourage employees to get to know each other better by sharing between different métiers , or to better understand the organisations and operating methods, for example with the HMS is revealed programme implemented within the Leather division and open to all employees. Covid-19



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