HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Schedule of the 2019 evaluation The evaluation in 2019 was carried out as follows: launch of the evaluation questionnaire after the September Board s meeting; comprehensive and anonymous summary in October; s analysis and summary at the November CAG-CSR Committee meeting; s restitution to the Board at the November meeting. s Individual interviews with the Chairwoman of the CAG-CSR Committee In this questionnaire, Board members who wish are invited to meet individually with the Chairman of the CAG-CSR Committee for more in-depth discussions and also to provide further information in relation to the questionnaire. This option was used by a member of the Supervisory Board during the 2019 evaluation. The summary of the evaluation is very positive overall. Between the last formal evaluation in 2016 and the formal evaluation in 2019, four new members joined the Supervisory Board (Mses Olympia Guerrand and Dorothée Altmayer in 2017, Ms Estelle Brachlianoff and Mr Alexandre Viros in 2019). The analysis of the evaluation results showed: a very good opinion of the functioning and work of the Board; s progress has been made in many areas since the last s evaluation in 2016, for both the Board and the committees; all members made satisfactory individual contributions and were s sufficiently available; the new digital questionnaire is easy to use and well-liked. s The functioning and work of the CAG-CSR Committee is generally very satisfactory. Since the last evaluation, a new member has joined the Committee (Ms Estelle Brachlianoff in 2019). The analysis of the evaluation results showed: the composition of the Committee is appropriate; s the organisation and work of the Committee is highly efficient; s progress has been made since the last evaluation s 2019 evaluation of the CAG-CSR Committee KEY POINTS OF THE FORMAL EVALUATION IN 2019 2019 evaluation of the Supervisory Board

as in 2016, the 2019 questionnaire allows for an evaluation of the s individual contribution of Board members; members can also, at the end of the questionnaire, make s observations/comments and possible suggestions; 3 distinct headings: s 1. evaluation of the Board (for all Board members – 91 questions), • 2. evaluation of the CAG-CSR Committee (only for members of that • Committee – 31 questions), 3. evaluation of the Audit and Risk Committee (only for members of • that Committee – 33 questions); the questionnaire covers the following topics: s composition of the Board, independence, term of office, • ethics and compliance, • quality of discussions, • effectiveness of the Supervisory Board, • relationships with committees, • training of Board members – site visits, • Board of Directors’ rules of procedure and Stock Market Ethics • Code, Board meetings, • work of the Board, • comprehensive and anonymous summary of the analysis of s responses, made by the Chairwoman of the CAG-CSR Committee to the Supervisory Board. Objectives of the evaluation The questionnaire is designed to enable the performance of the Supervisory Board and the committees to be evaluated. The evaluation must have three objectives (Article 10.2 of the Afep-Medef Code updated in January 2020): review the Board’s operating procedures; s check that key issues are properly prepared and discussed; s measure the effective contribution of each Board member to the work s of the Board by virtue of his or her skills and involvement in discussions. compensation of Board and committee members, • composition and organisation of committee meetings, • access to information for committee members, • work of the committees; •




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