HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


In accordance with Article L. 226-10-1 of the French Commercial Code ( Code de commerce ), the Supervisory Board also presents this report on corporate governance. As an extra-statutory mission, the rules of procedure call for the Board to approve or refuse an Executive Chairman’s acceptance of any new appointment within a listed company.

the Supervisory Board rules of procedure; s the Audit and Risk Committee rules of procedure; s

the CAG-CSR Committee rules of procedure; s the Hermès Group Stock Market Ethics Code; s a calendar of closed periods applicable to permanent insiders; s the AMF guide on ongoing information and managing inside s information; regulations regarding the declaration obligations of Senior Executives s and registration of shares; principles governing the allocation of compensation to Supervisory s Board members; rules on the reimbursement of expenses; s certification and summary of Corporate Officers’ civil liability s insurance; the three most recent registration documents; s the convening notice for the last General Meeting; s a summary of the results of the last formal three-year evaluation of s the Supervisory Board; presentations made during site visits since 2011; s the Hermès Group code of business conduct (Hermès Group s guidelines); anti-corruption code of conduct; s professional whistleblowing system notice; s ethics charter of the Hermès Group; s presentations of Hermès International and Émile Hermès SARL; s The procedures for calling meetings and the rules governing quorum and majority are described in the Articles of Association (Article 19) and in the Supervisory Board’s rules of procedure. The Supervisory Board meets at least twice per year in accordance with the Articles of Association. In practice, the Supervisory Board meets at least seven times per year; it met eight times in 2019. The Statutory Auditors and the Works council representatives are systematically invited to attend all Supervisory Board meetings. Furthermore, as in previous years, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board was invited to attend all meetings of the Executive Management Board of Émile Hermès SARL. To ensure that Supervisory Board meetings are held in due and proper form, a file containing background documents related to issues on the agenda is sent to each Board member before every meeting, and, whenever possible, at least 48 hours beforehand. Persons who are not Board members, in particular members of the Executive Committee, of the annotated Articles of Association; s Afep-Medef Corporate Governance Code. s This master file is updated on a regular basis. SUPERVISORY BOARD MEETINGS



At its meeting of 20 March 2018 the Supervisory Board made its Chairman responsible for communicating with shareholders on behalf of the Board, with a view to: explaining the positions taken by the Supervisory Board in its areas of s competence (particularly with regard to governance and Senior Executive compensation), which were previously the subject of a communication; ensuring that shareholders receive the information they expect from s the Company. The Chairman may seek the assistance of internal experts in these areas (in particular Ms Carole Dupont Pietri, Group Financial Operations and Investor Relations Director or Ms Nathalie Besombes, Corporate Law and Stock exchange regulations Director, Supervisory Board Secretary and Securities Compliance Officer). The Chairman must report annually to the Supervisory Board on the execution of his or her duties. No additional compensation is allocated to the Chairman for executing these duties. In early 2020, the Chairman reported to the Supervisory Board on the performance of his duties in 2019. In particular, he stated: having answered questions from individual shareholders during and s after the General Meeting; having answered questions from institutional shareholders; s having responded to questionnaires from stakeholders. s In 2019, the Board did not give the Chairman of the Supervisory Board any duties other than those conferred by law. Since 2011, a “master file” has been provided to the members of the Supervisory Board. It has been available since 2016 on the Board’s collaborative platform, “Herboard” (see below). It currently contains the following sections: a list with contact details of the members of the Executive Committee, s Supervisory Board and Board committees and the Board Secretary; a table of the dates of terms of office; s SUPERVISORY BOARD’S MASTER FILE




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