HERMÈS - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Age 47 years 1 (26 July 1972) Nationality French Address c/o Hermès International 24, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Shares held on 31 December 2019 100 in full ownership and registered — Date of first appointment Supervisory Board 4 June 2019 Audit and Risk Committee 4 June 2019 CAG-CSR Committee 4 June 2019 Term of current office 2022 GM

ESTELLE BRACHLIANOFF Independent member of the Hermès International Supervisory Board Member of the Audit and Risk Committee Member of the CAG-CSR Committee

Summary of main areas of expertise and experience Ms Estelle Brachlianoff is a graduate of École Polytechnique and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Ms Estelle Brachlianoff began her career in transport infrastructure and worked with the Prefect of the Île-de-France Region on transport and urban planning issues. She joined Veolia in 2005, and was appointed head of Industrial Cleaning and Facilities Management in 2007 before serving as head of the Waste Management business in the Paris region from 2010 and then the UK from 2012. A member of Veolia’s Executive Committee since 2013 and Director of the United Kingdom & Ireland zone from 2013 to 2018, Estelle Brachlianoff has been Chief Operating Officer since 1 September 2018. Her experience as a high-level manager in a group with an international dimension, steering structures undergoing transformation, as well as her expertise in CSR and the commitment with which she carries out her duties and participates in the Audit and Risk Committee and the CAG-CSR Committee enable her to make an effective contribution to the quality of the discussions and work of the Board in all of its areas of responsibility. She also brings her dynamism, intellectual agility and the special care she gives to the quality of human relations in organisations.


Main activities outside the Company

Deputy Managing Director of Operations at Veolia Environnement, member of the Executive Committee.

Member of the President’s Committee of the British Confederation of Industry (CBI), Chairwoman of the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce.

In Hermès Group companies

French companies ▲

Foreign companies ▲


Hermès International ● s

Member of the Supervisory Board, member of the Audit and Risk Committee and member of the CAG-CSR Committee

Offices and positions held during financial year 2019

Outside Hermès Group companies

French companies

Foreign companies

Comgen Australia (Australia) s Chairwoman and Director Veolia Africa (Gabon) s Chairwoman and Managing Director, Director (term of office as Chairwoman ended on 03/04/2019) Veolia China Holding (China) s Chairwoman and Director Veolia Decommissioning Services Norway AS s (Norway) Chairwoman and Director Veolia Energy UK Plc. (United Kingdom) s Director

Veolia Environnement ● ✱ s Deputy Managing Director of Operations, member of the Executive Committee Eaux de Marseille s Chairwoman and Director (since 14/06/2019) SARP s Director SARP Industries s Director Veolia Eau – Compagnie Générale des Eaux s Member of the Supervisory Board

▲ Hermès Group entity ● Listed company ✱ Office taken into account when calculating multiple offices



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