Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document









its 400km NEDC range and the Renault Medium-Term Plan, with its projected range of greater than 600km in 2022, are examples of this. Nevertheless, the choice of autonomous cars by customers will increasingly become a rational choice that will have to be covered with several different levels based on budgets and customer driving profiles; making EV technology more competitive: this involves both P reducing the cost of batteries and reducing the cost of electronic power components, which will be less expensive and less bulky while still performing better. The Renault Medium-Term Plan, with its projected reduction of 30% on the cost of batteries and 20% on the cost of electronic power components, is an example of this; developing technologies to make battery charging easier and P more efficient: the improvement of battery chargeability and the development/standardization of so-called “fast” chargers will be a key factor for the electric vehicles of the future. Research is also being carried out on inductive charging (static and dynamic) and robotic charging, which could allow users to recharge their EV batteries without having to connect an electric cable to a charger. Contactless dynamic charge: inductive electric charging on the go Renault is working on a dynamic inductive charging project, which will allow the batteries in its electric vehicles to be charged while driving. Coils of conductive materials (copper, aluminum, etc .) are inserted into the road. Powered by an alternating current, these loops emit a magnetic field that is captured by a receiving loop located under the car. When the vehicle passes over a coil beneath the road, the electromagnetic field creates an inductive electric current in the receiver coil. This inductive current is used either directly for traction or to recharge the battery. In this way, the road supplies the car with energy while driving. Driving over the coils would keep electric vehicles charged permanently and automatically. The energy can either be used for driving, in all or part, or to charge the battery. The energy transmitted to the vehicle is proportional to the time spent driving on the equipped part of the road. A stretch of test road has been developed with loops and an artificial sidewalk that conceals the electronic equipment required. Each coil is managed separately and can transfer the energy needed to the vehicle. In this experiment, the test vehicle is a TWIZY, which receives 2 kW on a continuous basis. This is the first stage. INCIT-EV, an ambitious European research project on electric vehicle charging launched in early 2020 and coordinated by Renault After conducting several research projects aimed at developing innovative load concepts, such as induction charging while driving, Groupe Renault launched the European INCIT-EV project in 2020, in conjunction with 32 partners across Europe. The INCIT-EV project will run for 48 months, from January 2020 to December 2023, and will be divided into two main phases:

The demo model consists of a static driving module. It has two cameras (3D and 2D) that capture and record driver reactions and measure a large amount of data (heart rate, head position and movement, etc .). Analysis of these parameters makes it possible to determine the driver’s overall condition, by recognizing his or her state of alertness, for example. If hypovigilance is detected, Renault R-NEST acts to protect driver and user safety whether or not the car is in motion by offering reactivation or relaxation scenarios. For example, when driving, the system will inform the driver and offer him or her countermeasures such as music containing “infrasounds”, which have the effect of reactivating concentration, giving the driver time to park safely in a parking lot and thus avoid an accident by falling asleep at the wheel. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of these methods, which are still at a very early stage (research), to decide whether or not to continue to the R&D phase. The benefits could be physiological (the brain is more “awake”), behavioral (subject reaction rates are higher) and subjective (the driver feels less tired). AD-learning: The driver at the heart of the learning process for new driving styles Driving aids (ADAS) are already a reality in the Renault range (adaptive driving control, parking aid, lane keeping aid, etc .). Their development will continue in the future, leading gradually to autonomous driving functions. This arsenal of technologies makes driving both more enjoyable and safer. But to take full advantage of all the new functions, drivers must be comfortable with their use and fully understand how they work. To this end, and with the customer always at the heart of its concerns, Renault has for several years been developing a program called “AD Learning”, which aims to develop a battery of educational tools, from simple videos to driving simulators, to put customers in a learning situation. This program is being developed in partnership with the company’s sales functions, which are in direct contact with customers. For example, a demonstrator was placed in a large dealership in the Paris region for several weeks in order to collect the opinions and suggestions of sales staff and customers in the field. This research program will be continued in the years to come, as this is a key point in the roll-out and effectiveness of driving aids. Research into electric vehicles (EVs) With a 10-year lead over most of its competitors, Groupe Renault is both a pioneer in electric mobility and the leader in Europe. This is the result of continuous work by the Group’s teams to maintain this lead at a time when competitors are making inroads in the field, thus affirming the electric vehicle as a strategic choice. Our four priorities in this competition are: continually enriching our offer by expanding our current range of P five vehicles and introducing new products to reach eight 100% electric vehicles by 2022; increasing battery range: technology in this area is advancing at a P rapid rate. The marketing of the new ZOE at the end of 2016 with




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