Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document



The Re-Factory in Flins:

With the aim of accelerating the digitalization of Groupe Renault’s industrial system and the roll-out of Industry 4.0, on July 9, 2020 Groupe Renault and Google Cloud announced a partnership to share their industrial and technological experience. Groupe Renault’s know-how in automotive manufacturing, combined with Google Cloud’s expertise in smart analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence will foster the creation of new industrial solutions. The two companies are also jointly setting up a training program aimed at developing the skills of Groupe Renault employees in the digital environment.

an industry-leading project In November 2020, Groupe Renault announced the transformation of its site in Flins to create the Re-FACTORY, Europe’s first circular economy factory dedicated to mobility, with the target of a negative CO 2 balance by 2030 (see also section 2.2.3.B "Resources and the circular economy"). This project, which is part of the Group's transformation strategy, will enable Renault to benefit from a rapidly growing source of value while reaffirming its industrial footprint in France. In line with the Group’s commitments, the RE-FACTORY will host the renovation activities of Choisy-le-Roi. Groupe Renault is planning support and training schemes for the employees of Flins and Choisy-le-Roi to develop their skills and aims to employ more than 3,000 people on the site by 2030. Contrary to previous years, no face-to-face events could be organized, so the CSR week was completely digital. E-learning was given priority, with themes such as road safety, gender equality and first aid. But above all, the 2020 CSR week was an opportunity to highlight employees, individually or in groups formed spontaneously during the crisis, who worked to provide masks, visors, hand sanitizer and other equipment to local medical teams. All the countries in which Groupe Renault has commercial and industrial operations actively participated in the solidarity drive (see 2.1.8). Calculating the impact of societal initiatives In 2020, the number of CSR initiatives recorded in the Group remained close to last year's figure of 355 (compared with 395 in 2019), despite the health crisis and the closure of Group sites for several weeks. Details on the reporting scope are provided in section

A global network of CSR correspondents 2.3.4 The CSR department facilitates, coordinates and relies on a network of CSR liaison officers in the main departments and most of the countries in which the Group operates. Each year, it sends a letter containing CSR guidelines, setting out the main principles and priorities of the coming months, to all of the Group’s CSR liaison officers and subsidiary managers. Due to the health crisis, the annual CSR Convention, which usually brings together all CSR correspondents, could not take place. By contrast, the DRSE held nine webinars with all its CSR correspondents from April to June to share experiences and best practices, and also to act in a coordinated manner in this unprecedented context.

Mobilize Days: an annual event dedicated to CSR in the Group For the third consecutive year, the CSR department organized Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Week for Groupe Renault as a whole at the beginning of July 2020. The event is called " Mobilize Days" or " Mobilize Week" depending on the country. The 2020 theme of these days highlighted employees’ numerous solidarity commitment, and initiatives taken to fight COVID-19.


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