Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document









Groupe Renault has initiated two major projects in Europe using second-life battery technologies, namely the Advanced Battery Storage projects in France and SmartHubs in the United Kingdom. These two projects are part of the Group’s strategy to develop a smart electricity ecosystem for the energy transition. In 2020, the first Advanced Battery Storage facility was commissioned at the Douai site. This project is based on batteries of electric cars stored in containers, and targets installed capacity of nearly 50 MWh at several sites in France. For the SmartHubs project launched with Connected Energy at the end of 2020, second-life batteries from Renault vehicles will be used alongside other technologies as part of a local energy system to provide cleaner and less expensive energy for social housing, transport, infrastructure, private homes and local businesses. Electric vehicles in the ecological transition Groupe Renault was invited by the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme and the European Climate Foundation to take part in the study “From Cradle to Grave: E-mobility and the French Energy Transition” alongside ADEME, the Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE), the battery manufacturer Saft, Avere-France (association for the development of electric mobility) and the NGOs Réseau Action Climat France, WWF France and Réseau pour la Transition Énergétique (Energy Transition Network) (CLER) This study was published in December 2017 and assesses the environmental impacts and benefits of electrifying the automotive vehicle fleet in France by 2030. It confirms the environmental benefits of electric vehicles in combating climate change and achieving the targets of the COP 21 Paris agreement. The study also covers how the benefits could be enhanced by maximizing the use of batteries for mobility (vehicle-sharing, increasing mileage) and by services to the grid (“V2G” or “vehicle-to-grid”). Finally, the study explores the possibility of using second-life batteries to store energy, thereby boosting energy transition and the development of renewable energy. For further information visit: Electric_vehicles_ENG_AW_WEB.pdf/. Porto Santo: putting a smart electricity ecosystem into practice On the Portuguese island of Porto Santo, Groupe Renault and Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, an energy supplier, joined forces to launch a smart electricity ecosystem based on four main pillars: electric vehicles, stationary electricity storage, smart charging and reversible charging, with the aim of strengthening the island’s energy independence and reduce its carbon footprint. Groupe Renault has assessed the impact of this system in collaboration with WWF. The conclusion is that the carbon footprint over the entire life cycle of an electric vehicle in Porto Santo is 11% and 34% lower than for diesel and gasoline equivalents respectively. These findings are especially

significant in that the island’s electricity mix is currently based largely on fossil fuels. The study also shows that in the case of a maximum 99.5% use of renewable energies combined with 100% electric mobility, the carbon footprint related to all energy consumption on the island would be reduced by 88% compared to 2018. In 2020, the Group recorded a new 94% increase in its worldwide sales of electric vehicles, to 121,470 units (excluding TWIZY). The Group confirmed its leading position in Europe, with 115,888 electric vehicles sold, double the figure of the previous year. ZOE is the best-selling electric car, with sales of more than 100,000 units. KANGOO Z.E. remains the best-selling electric light commercial vehicle, as it has been every year since it was introduced. The Group offers a full range with Renault TWIZY, TWINGO Z.E., ZOE, KANGOO Z.E., MASTER Z.E. and Dacia SPRING, sold in numerous countries in Europe and elsewhere, as well as the Renault Samsung Motors SM3 Z.E. sedan, sold in South Korea, and Renault K-ZE, an electric A-segment vehicle, urban and affordable, available in China since late 2019 and manufactured locally by eGT New Energy Automotive Co, a joint venture created with Dongfeng Motor Group and Nissan in order to develop and produce competitive electric vehicles for the Chinese market. 3. Fuel consumption actually observed by the average driver can diverge from the certified values, with differences possibly exceeding 20% depending on the type of driving. This is due to certified consumption values being calculated for standardized cycles that do not reflect all driving styles (more or less aggressive) or all driving conditions (no heating or air conditioning, fluid urban and suburban traffic). Renault offers eco-driving assistance solutions in order to close this gap, so that the actual consumption noted by its customers is as close as possible to the certified values. This was the impetus behind the creation of Renault’s Driving ECO2 program in 2008, which aims to offer vehicle-embedded driving aids to customers, as well as training services in order to assist them in reducing their fuel consumption through eco-driving. Changing driver behaviors through eco-driving is one way to reduce energy consumption (gasoline, diesel or electricity). Depending on driving style, savings of up to 25% could be achieved. Surveys, conducted both internally and externally to better understand customers’ expectations of embedded eco-driving aids, led to the identification of four driver profiles (see graph below): “participative” drivers, who wish to take an active role by changing P their behavior, and would like information and targeted advice on how to do this; “delegating” drivers, who are ready to give full responsibility for P reducing their consumption to the vehicle; drivers who are both participative and delegating; P finally, a minority of drivers who state that they have no interest P in any form of eco-driving assistance. Technological eco-driving aids




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