Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document





In reduce environmental impact throughout the different stages of the life-cycle, steps must be taken from the vehicle design stage, i.e., two to fiv e years prior to launch. Renault’s policy is to integrate this concern not only within the normal development process which structures the designers’ work, but also to involve component and materials suppliers. order to effectively

Groupe Renault has selected a seamless approach. The environmental network is Company-wide. It establishes links between environmental activities and other processes in the Company as well as between the sites, so as to encourage the dissemination of best practices and the sharing of expertise.



The industrial environment network is composed of approximately 230 members spread over 13 countries and 44 sites and subsidiaries. It covers manufacturing occupations as well as all of the Group’s industrial sites. The AVTOVAZ sites (Togliatti and Izhevsk), in which Renault acquired a majority stake at the end of 2016, are being gradually integrated into the Group’s environmental reporting scope. Action plans covering all environmental issues were prepared based on diagnostics performed in 2017 and 2018 by third parties (Deloitte and EY). In order to ensure the convergence of these action plans, a governance committee including members from the production facilities and central functions has been set up and meets on a monthly basis. In addition, support missions for local teams by corporate environment experts are conducted to guarantee the proper roll-out of the Group’s environmental standards. These initiatives continued in 2020, despite the health situation, which reduced the possibilities for experts to travel to the sites. Following the publication in 2019 of a first batch of indicators in line with the Groupe Renault environmental reporting protocol, the scope of coverage has been extended and additional indicators are published for the 2020 financial year (see methodology and summary table in Appendix The Group aims to report all indicators for the 2021 financial year. Environmental management at Groupe Renault plants is underpinned by five pillars: 1. Starting in 1995, Renault began systematically implementing an environmental management approach at its sites, along with a drive for continuous improvement, based on ISO 14001. This was done to reduce environmental impact and ensure regulatory compliance. Since 2008, all of Groupe Renault’s 29 industrial sites and the eight main engineering and logistics facilities have been ISO 14001 certified. The standard has been rolled-out in its most recent version (2015) for all Groupe Renault’s ISO 14001 certified sites. 2. Industrial standards covering all areas related to the environment define the minimum requirements that apply to the Group’s sites (See “Eco-design of industrial processes” below). These ensure that practices are standardized and reflect and adhere to the Company’s policies and objectives in terms of the environment, no matter in which country the sites are located. This is particularly important in countries without a stringent regulatory framework. Continuous improvement based on ISO 14001 Group-wide tools and standards

Eco-design of Groupe Renault’s vehicles involves in particular: the reduction of vehicle mass, fuel consumption and pollutant P emissions; the possibility of recycling 85% of the vehicle’s mass at end-of-life P and to recover 95% of this, which requires the ability to easily identify and separate the recyclable materials and reusable parts during the dismantling process; the use of recycled materials, which minimizes the consumption of P virgin materials and the associated environmental impacts; the possibility of renovating powertrains or certain parts of them P (remanufacturing) by facilitating dismantling and assessment of their components; the minimization of the noise generated by the vehicle; P the elimination of potentially toxic substances from vehicles and P the manufacturing process; the provision of eco-driving aids in the vehicles. P Considering that 60% of a vehicle is composed of purchased parts, eco-design is based largely upon the involvement and cooperation of our suppliers, guided by the Alliance Purchasing Organization, based notably on the application of Renault Green Purchasing Guidelines, which describe expectations in environmental matters. (see 2.5.2). Logistics

Environmental management in matters of logistics has been in place since 2010 and involves the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the transportation of parts intended for our industrial facilities and finished vehicles from our factories to their distribution outlets, through the Logistics ECO2 plan (see 2.2.3.A).


In addition, logistics loops for reusable packaging have been introduced when their economic and environmental impact is positive, to lessen our reliance on single-use packaging and the waste it creates.


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