Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document



Our action in response to the COVID-19 crisis 2.1.7 Heavily committed since the outset of the crisis, Groupe Renault has taken exceptional measures and rolled out a major solidarity plan, considering that it has a responsibility to act with all of its stakeholders, and first and foremost with its employees, customers and partners.

Gradual and secure resumption

of activity in April From mid-April, production and commercial activities gradually resumed, with the systematic implementation of health measures adapted to the development of the epidemic and local laws, and priority going to employee health and safety. The upturn in activity initially took place with a very limited workforce and a very gradual increase in production rates in plants. In the network, digital showrooms have been developed (with a live chat between customers and salespeople in the United Kingdom and Italy, for example). This gradual and adapted recovery has made it possible to train employees in the new health measures put in place and to give them time to understand their new work environment so that they can resume work with confidence. In France, the "Solidarity and Future Contract" agreement signed on April 2, 2020 has enabled the Group to adapt its operations to the economic situation through quality social dialogue, in a spirit of solidarity, and again with the aim of protecting the Company and its employees. In particular, it provides for a guarantee of 100% of employees' net pay in the event of recourse to furlough schemes, in return for the deduction of two days' leave to be paid into the solidarity fund and one day's leave for each week off work. The central solidarity fund was created under a former company agreement to provide a permanent, centralized reserve of days from which sites using the furlough scheme, for whatever reason, can draw to top up the wages of the employees concerned. During the second phase of lockdown , industrial activity continued, in accordance with the government recommendation that economic activity should be maintained as much as possible. In the Île-de-France region, full telework was re-introduced for all eligible workers and continued into early 2021. committed in the face of the crisis In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, a vast outpouring of solidarity quickly took shape within Groupe Renault. Throughout the world, the men and women of the Company mobilized to meet the exceptional needs generated by the health crisis, particularly those of healthcare personnel and hospitals. From Spain to Morocco and Romania to France , the company as a whole has taken action in the form of practical initiatives involving donations or loans of vehicles, but also through the launch of projects for the manufacture of essential equipment to slow the spread of the virus or help the sick. Groupe Renault employees united and

Top priority: ensuring the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners

From mid-March, the Group adapted its organization, in accordance with the instructions of the public authorities, implementing the appropriate health measures and suspending its commercial and industrial activities in most countries. Measures restricting access to Group sites and suspending business travel were adopted everywhere. For tertiary functions, telework was generalized and widely developed during this unprecedented period. In the sales network, employees – strictly applying the protocol of the reinforced measures set up by the Group – mobilized to provide service and after-sales activities to fix, maintain and repair medical, firefighting and police vehicles, as well as those needed to maintain the continuity of public services. Significant internal communication dedicated to the unfolding health situation has been provided on a permanent basis since the beginning of the crisis, notably via the Group's intranet portal, but also by e-mail, managerial information kits, notifications on the "Inside R" smartphone app, and posters. Information on COVID-19 safety precautions was widely communicated to employees throughout the Group. In France, all sites have been structured locally since March to manage the health plan, and health committees bringing together all the players (HR, general services, safety, medical, communication, etc .) have been set up on each one. At the beginning of April, after a presentation to the Group Works Council, the Company implemented a global health reference framework drawn up by the occupational physicians and health services, and the HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) department. It lays down 11 conditions for the gradual return of employees to their site and four prerequisites before any employee can return to the workplace. The reference framework has been applied nationally and adapted in line with local conditions. Health measures include the provision of masks for work and for commutes, the provision of hand sanitizer and the redesign of certain work areas. In addition, the Group has set up a mask production line, certified to current standards, to meet its needs and guarantee the health and safety of its employees at all sites and throughout the sales network in Europe (industrial and tertiary sites, the Renault dealership network and the private network). This production unit, located at the Renault plant in Flins (France) since May, launched production in July. It enables the production of up to 1.5 million surgical masks per week in compliance with the Group's safety standards.


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