Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document



Permanent dialog with our stakeholders EFPD14c 2.1.4 Because dialog with our stakeholders enables us to better grasp environmental, social or economic challenges and risks, and makes us more agile in meeting their expectations, we have set up appropriate channels of exchange with each of them, at the global, regional or local level:

customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, investors, local communities, associations, students, etc. Dialog with stakeholders also helped to develop the materiality matrix of ESG challenges below.

Key ESG stakes (materiality matrix)

Main players by degree of closeness

Modes of dialog and communication


Highlights of 2020

Retail and business P customers

Services and direct dialog in the P sales network Customer Relations department P (including requirements studies) Training/awareness-raising initiatives P Certification, product ratings P (EuroNCap) Media P Internet site P Responses to calls for tender P Local management (including annual P performance review) Policies/guides (environment, P health/safety, etc. ) Social dialog: establishment, country, P Groupe Renault Works Council Training P Internal communications P Commercial events P Performance reviews P Questionnaires P

Giving everyone access to mobility P solutions Contributing to the transformation P of urban mobility Increasing passenger and road user P safety

Whenever a new Renault or P Dacia vehicle is launched, decision support forms are sent to fire services internationally following verification by a reference group of French fire service personnel The design of new electric and P hybrid vehicles ensures the safety of occupants and first responders by the inclusion of a system for disconnecting the electrics and direct Fireman access to the traction battery (see “Rescue”) Development of online training for P local Managers (Onboarding Managers program) Creation of the Diversity & Inclusion P scorecard Reinforcement of social dialog P during the Group’s reorganization operations Support for internal and external P affinity groups Digitization of training programs in P the Functional Academies and promotion of our online training courses in all countries Creation of guides for the P prevention of health risks following the COVID-19 crisis Improved communication on the P professional whistle-blowing system and in the event of discrimination 3 technical exhibitions on supplier P co-innovation Prizes awarded to 15 suppliers P (including 3 awarded for results obtained in CSR-related areas) A high subscription rate to the P Renault Mobilize Solidaire mutual savings fund (FCPE) (4,045 employees as of December 31, 2020) Planetshares website enabling P direct management of registered Renault shares Over 250 shareholders have P benefited from the various activities (visits, conferences, breakfasts, etc. ) offered by the Shareholders’ Club. Renault ACTU, the bi-annual P magazine for shareholders became 100% digital and is now available on computers, tablets and smartphones (website - Finance tab - individual shareholders)

Sales network and importers P Road users/general public P Consumer groups within the P framework of social business Welfare or employment P providers

Fleet customers/ retail customers

Employees P Employee representative P bodies

Ensuring employee fulfillment and P development Ensuring the inclusion of everyone P in the company Ensuring respect for human rights P and labor law throughout the supply chain


All issues in the matrix P

Diversified suppliers P Industry bodies (CCFA, FIEV) P French automotive industry P platform (PFA) Fonds d’avenir automobile P (former Modernization Fund for Automotive Suppliers)

Circulation of CSR guidelines: P Renault-Nissan CSR Purchasing Guidelines, Renault Green Purchasing Guidelines Assessment or direct support to CSR P performance Supplier Information Meetings (SIM), P conventions Presentations by suppliers to Renault P operational staff PFA CSR Charter P PFA CSR Committee P Investor Relations department P Internet site and other dedicated P publications Responses to rating requests P Group Universal registration P document Toll-free number with voice server P Planetshares website enabling P direct management of registered Renault shares Dedicated e-mail address P Shareholder Consultative Committee P since 1996 Shareholders’ Club since 1995 P Seminars, road shows P Individual meetings P


All issues in the materiality matrix P

Shareholders, employee P shareholders, financial institutions Rating agencies/analysts P

Investors/ stakeholders


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