Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document









To achieve the ambitions of OaO and those of the Customer Satisfaction Plan more generally, seven areas of focus have been defined: Attractive Quality is based on design, perceived quality and P marketing through the way it makes the product and its innovations desirable; Initial Quality is the quality of the vehicles before their first P acquisition. This is measured by the level of customer complaints. Reducing the number of complaints is essential, as is handling them more quickly to provide customers with a product experience that meets their expectations; Durability: A car that ages well, that you can keep longer, is the P assurance that it can be resold used at a good price. Durability is an important criterion for customers and encourages them to remain loyal to a brand. Durability combines reliability (the absence of breakdowns) with the vehicle’s ability to age well (keeping the vehicle roadworthy while controlling maintenance costs); The aim of Sales Quality is to enable Renault to become the P leading volume manufacturer for the best customer experience when new vehicles are sold; After-Sales Quality offers customers a reliable after-sales P partnership and meet their mobility needs in all conditions; Agile and "end-to-end" processes/digital transformation: the P CSP’s ambitions in this area imply disruptions in processing speed and in the overall coverage of the customer experience. Agile methods are based on adapting to the customer’s needs to achieve customer satisfaction. Digital transformation is a key point; Customer satisfaction/skills development oriented mindset: this is P consideration of the customer satisfaction needed in all employee actions and decisions, as well as at all levels of the company. This means looking for what can be improved at the company level (e.g. project governance, cost- or process-oriented indicators) and at the individual level (empowerment, commitment and personal development). The expertise network that serves all of the Group’s functions Since 2010, the expertise network structures and harnesses the Company’s knowledge and know-how to implement its strategic orientations and contribute to its performance and customer satisfaction. It impacts the Group, assists all functions and actively participates in the enrichment of their ecosystems. The 51 areas of strategic expertise are established in all major business activities, with a strong concentration in engineering. In 2019, four strategic areas of expertise were reconfigured, including command controls, electrification, Manufacturing and commerce. These developments within the network make possible in-depth integration of new technologies into business activities and functional adaption of the structures of the areas of expertise in question. This has resulted in an increase of 140 employees in the network between 2016 and 2019. Currently, however, the number of employees is stabilizing. The network is structured into four levels: the Expert Fellow , a member of the Renault Management P Committee. Responsible for defining the strategic areas of

expertise, the Expert Fellow coordinates the Expert Leader network in order to structure production both at the strategic level using roadmaps and the operational level regarding technical or methodological innovations, support for projects or quality issues. The collaborative work carried out by working groups contributes to a dynamic of shared progress for the affected business activities as regards the Company’s main challenges, which are largely technical. The network can thus be described as an agile organization that serves the inter-business sector. Participation in regulatory and standardization bodies and their consistency is also one of the network’s deliverables; 51 Expert Leaders , each reporting to a Business Vice-President P who oversees their roadmap. Expert leaders have responsibility for one area of strategic expertise. They structure and guide their internal network of experts and use an external network consisting of universities, other manufacturers, associations, incubation structures, etc., to enable the Company to work in an “extended” way and expand it through involvement in collaborative or investment efforts; 237 Experts , responsible for secondary fields of expertise, oversee P benchmarks, identify relevant partners and invest in the protection of know-how through patents. They are responsible for promoting standards and processes; 490 Consultants , responsible for specific business activities, who P improve the state of the art by being “the benchmark” in their practice, thus building standards, capitalizing on them and imprinting them with their experience. Thanks to its cross-functional nature, this expansion of the expertise network makes it possible to show the way forward via a set of coherent roadmaps, accelerate the enhancement of knowledge through innovation and the performance of operations, thus allowing the business activities to excel in their various areas of expertise. The network’s intervention methods are adapted to the increasingly agile functions. Finally, within the Alliance, Renault and Nissan expertise networks review the common skills structure, coordinate regularly to work in synergy on the roadmaps and their implementation on analog scopes, analysis and treatment of identified risks, and support for common developments. Reinforcement of the innovation momentum Open Innovation at Renault The creation of Open Innovation Labs is part of the Renault-Nissan Alliance’s innovation culture and strategy: they enable innovation opportunities to be cultivated based on an open ecosystem comprising start-ups, universities, investors and first- and second-tier suppliers, and a local economy such as local authorities, associations, customers and markets. These labs bring together the three pillars of Open Innovation in one place: the socialization of knowledge (events, conferences, think tanks, P meetups); creativity and innovative design methods (design thinking, P Fablab); and the levers of the new economy (acceleration of start-ups, P open and collaborative approach, platforms).



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