Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



The Learning & Development corporate department coordinates the training network activities by leading 14 functional academies and learning & development teams for the regions and key countries. As part of this, for the second year running a seminar has been held for all training players to share the Group’s training strategy, develop links between academies and countries and share best practices. Groupe Renault is committed to training and ensures that its employees have access to lifelong professional learning. 2019 saw the continued roll-out of the new LEARNING@ALLIANCE learning management system to all Group employees, to support this approach. The system provides access to an enhanced range of online training courses. Employees can access all “LinkedIn Learning” courses, as well as specific modules on digital transformation, cross-functional and managerial topics and business skills development, in order to multiply everyday learning opportunities. The mid-year launch of a Digital Learning Factory encourages the production of digital business modules, by promoting synergies. The training offer is organized and marketed through Learning Channels , which enables us to enhance and promote both business and cross-functional subject areas. For example, a Learning Channel was developed specifically for the five Renault Way principles and the 11 associated competencies, which invites employees to develop their skills through online training courses. Furthermore, we continued to roll out LEARNING@ALLIANCE , incorporating face-to-face training for the following countries: France, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Korea. Over 95% of the Group’s employees can now register for face-to-face training via the LMS (Learning Management System). The functional academies The 14 functional academies continue to develop their training offering in France and worldwide, following up discussions held by our functions to identify skill requirements and helping to roll out training priorities in the different countries and subsidiaries. In 2019, the Manufacturing Academy , which covers the 37 Renault plants, the seven Production Engineering RTx and the 10 Operating Supply Chain departments, focused on two main areas: anticipating future skills requirements and supporting the P transformation of Manufacturing. These initiatives included the launch of 22 training programs related to the Factory of the future and the Hypercompetitiveness program and the launch of Strategic Skills Management initiatives for manufacturing business areas, creating a three-year upskilling plan to be rolled out to each region. In addition, for Supply Chain (Logistics), face-to-face and digital programs were created to develop the 10 strategic skills of the business activity, with 7,200 training hours carried out;

The GPEC (Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences) in France In France, the “Agreement for the sustainable performance of Renault in France” (CAP 2020) was signed on January 13, 2017 for the period 2017-2019. It replaced the “Agreement for a new dynamic of growth and social development at Renault in France” signed on March 13, 2013. The Agreement sets out a range of measures, including support to start up or takeover a business, a period of secure voluntary mobility, working part-time towards the end of one’s career, or work exemption for employees eligible to draw their pension in the three years after joining the scheme. More than 1,300 employees signed up to the measures in 2019, thus injecting new skills into the Group. The Group’s strategic challenges and the resulting changes in skills in each business activity are discussed with the Unions every year. In 2019, the main topics presented included: upskilling of manufacturing employees for Industry 4.0, renewal and preparation of new engineering skills in order to meet the technical challenges of autonomous, connected and electric vehicles. The Group’s skills management system, rolled out across France, allows, a mapping of both new skills and those that need strengthening to be drawn up. This mapping is distributed to managers and employees to help them with their professional planning. It helps to streamline recruitment plans, training and mobility support systems. Certified training programs have become more widespread to enable employees to change role, by teaching them skills that are both more strategic for the Company and more useful in terms of employability ( e.g. UX designer training, APICS certification for logistics business activities). As part of its GTEC (Regional Jobs and Skills Management) scheme, to offer job support and security in France, Renault actively contributes to the work and deliberations of the skills and employment office of the Automotive and Mobility Industry (PFA). It has committed for a period of five years (2017 to 2021) to the PFA’s Attractiveness, Skills and Employment program, praised by the public authorities for its innovative contribution to employment and training in the Investissement d’Avenir (Investment in the Future) program (PIA 2). Training to support skills development  EFPD5  B. As part of its “Drive the Future 2017-2022” mid-term plan, Groupe Renault supports the skills development of its employees to meet its sustainable growth targets. The business, management and Company-wide training offer is created based on skills requirements at corporate, region and country level, and with the support of the academies for each function.


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