Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



In total, at the end of 2019, combining vehicles directly output from the factory with these improvements and vehicles processed in the after-sales network, 88% of Groupe Renault Euro 6b or Euro 6c diesel fleet in circulation have already benefited from the improvement measures decided by Renault. The roll-out of Euro 6d standards is now an important area of progress in the reduction of pollutant emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles. These standards have introduced measurements under real and variable driving conditions (RDE, Real Driving Emissions protocol) of the emissions of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides or particles, in addition to the measurements made in the laboratory based on the standardized test cycle. The latter, by nature, cannot cover the very wide variety of customer usage: driving and weather conditions, driving style, vehicle load… This is why Renault, for several years, has supported the European approach aimed at implementing measurements under real driving conditions (RDE protocol) in addition to implementing the new WLTP laboratory test procedure, more representative of average customer use and the diversity of vehicle equipment than the NEDC cycle. The adaptation of Groupe Renault vehicles to these new standards required an ambitious program of investments of more than €2 billion. The first phase, Euro 6d temp, has been applicable since September 2017 for new models (new types) and since September 2019 for all new vehicles (all types). The European Commission simultaneously introduced the new laboratory test procedure, WLTP, which has been applicable since September 2017 for new models and from September 2018 for all new vehicles. In order to meet Euro 6d temp standards, SCR technology, which Renault has used on its Trafic and Master light commercial vehicles since the Euro 6b standards, started to be rolled out on diesel passenger cars in Europe in 2018 and has been fitted to the entire range of diesel passenger cars in Europe since September 2019. The SCR will also be used to meet the coming Euro 6d standards, with more stringent limits: this regulation is applicable to individual cars from January 2020 for new types, January 2021 for all types and to light commercial vehicles depending on their mass from January 2021 for new types and January 2022 for all types. This SCR technology, which is more constraining in use, with the installation on the vehicle of a urea tank that needs to be refilled regularly, can nevertheless reduce nitrogen oxides with increased effectiveness over an extended engine operating range. For most applications, SCR and NO x trap technologies will be combined. In other markets, Renault adapts the technical definitions of its powertrains to fit local specifics (fuel quality, climate, dust, etc. ) in such a way as to ensure each vehicle’s compliance with applicable regulations in the country in which it is sold. In addition to strict regulatory compliance, the Group capitalizes on lessons learned in Europe to fulfill the growing expectations throughout the world, that pollutant emissions during customer use are better taken into account and controlled (see above).


All vehicles sold by Groupe Renault worldwide have, in accordance with all regulations in force, received appropriate approval from the relevant authorities. Following the deployment of particulate filters for diesel vehicles, as imposed by the Euro 5 standard, the Euro 6b standard lowered authorized


particulate emissions once again for all engines, while reducing the authorized NO x emissions for the certification of diesel vehicles by more than half in comparison with Euro 5 (from 180 to 80mg/km), bringing the latter to a level close to those authorized for gasoline vehicles (60mg/km). Such a reduction was made possible by the implementation of post-treatment systems such as NO x traps or SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction). The NO x trap is a chemical system which traps nitrogen oxides and then converts them into neutral gases. It has been fitted to all diesel passenger cars sold by the Group in Europe since September 2015. SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology works to convert nitrogen oxides into water and nitrogen by injecting urea. It is fitted on all Trafic and Master light commercial vehicles sold in Europe since September 2015. However, the identification of significant differences between emissions measured in real use and in the laboratory or approval led the European Commission to define a real-use test protocol, introduced with the Euro 6d standard (RDE, Real Driving Emissions protocol). Without waiting for these new standards, Groupe Renault had, starting in July 2015, studied the implementation of improvements on all of its Euro 6b and Euro 6c diesel production aiming to further limit emissions in customer use. These improvements were gradually rolled out from August 2016: Extending the operating range for EGR (Exhaust Gas 1) Recirculation) systems, a key component in reducing nitrogen oxides Studies and checks undertaken since July 2015 have allowed Groupe Renault to at least double the operating temperature range for full effectiveness of its EGR systems, without any change to the reliability and operating safety of the engine and the vehicle under all customer use conditions. Improving the performance of NO x trap management which, in 2) addition to the EGR, allows the storage and treatment of nitrogen oxides at regular intervals The frequency and effectiveness of purges are increased with a more “robust” system, to better take into account the diversity of driving conditions. Depending on the applications and driving type, these combined actions led, on average, to a substantial two to four times reduction of nitrogen oxides across the EGR extension zone. All customers who purchased a Euro 6b vehicle – compliant with the applicable standards – before these improvement measures can benefit from them via an engine calibration adjustment carried out free of charge by the after-sales network.


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