Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



The Renault plant in Cléon

continuous traceability. In real time, the parts of each vehicle, the P assemblies and packaging are located, and the customer can follow the progress of his/her order at any time. As soon as the customer orders his/her vehicle, the suppliers are informed, the raw materials prepared and the logistics flows determined. This complete synchronization of all manufacturing stages ensures compliance with deadlines, from suppliers to the final customer. The use of QR codes (2D barcodes) and RFID chips (Radio Frequency Identification – labels equipped with active or passive chips that can communicate, used for traceability) on parts, combined with a database, enables the quality of each part to be controlled throughout the process; anticipating thanks to data. The constant data reporting and P analysis enables remote operations and simulations, while ensuring optimized maintenance. Groupe Renault’s plants The manufacturing teams include over 66,000 employees worldwide. More agile, more reactive and trained in new technologies, operators focus on the highest-value added interventions and take advantage of these innovations to be relieved of certain operations. They exercise fewer arduous tasks, with these gradually being removed. Picking robots, for example, facilitate handling by managing the picking, deposit and emptying of parts in bins and smooth the process. At the Cléon plant (France), some operators are equipped with exoskeletons to handle parts more easily and allow greater agility while minimizing health risks. These technological revolutions are supported by a training program: “Trust Management.” Based on “speaking the truth,” this approach invites employees to take more initiatives and autonomy, and stimulates team work. Discover the Renault plant of the future in pictures: laventure-animee-de-lusine-4-0/ Men and women at the heart of

(Seine-Maritime, France) recognized as an "advanced lighthouse" for Industry 4.0 by the World Economic Forum In July 2019, during the summit held in Dalian, China, the World Economic Forum recognized the Renault Cléon plant (Seine-Maritime, France) as an "advanced lighthouse" for industry 4.0. It is the first automotive manufacturing site to be awarded this Label in France. At the heart of the digital transformation of Groupe Renault’s plants, Cléon has equipped all of its 57 hectares of buildings with wifi, enabling data to be gathered and fully automated processes such as full kitting or parts traceability to be implemented. This mechanical plant, which produced 760,000 engines and 372,000 gearboxes in 2018 and which has just celebrated its 60th anniversary, has been transformed into a recognized 4.0 plant, with several digital use cases such as connected workforce, virtual reality training and automated truck flow management. Already ranked among the best plants in the world by specialized agencies, the Cléon plant has created a local ecosystem while developing innovations that will be deployed around the world. Groupe Renault has chosen to place women and men at the heart of the plant of the future. Thus, 100% of new employees at the Cléon plant benefit from a specific training program on safety using augmented and virtual reality. Over 3,570 people have benefited from this innovative training program. The roll-out of connected tools on the ground, notably thanks to tablets for unit leaders, enables real-time access to production and quality data. The technologies all aim to facilitate each employees’ work, resulting in manufacturing that meets customers’ expectations. With almost 860 new hires since 2015, the Cléon plant is fully involved in the local ecosystem and notably works with several Normandy start-ups to co-develop the know-how and technologies of the future.


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