Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document









The Sustainable Mobility Institute (IMD) celebrates its tenth anniversary In July 2009, Renault, the Renault Foundation and ParisTech decided to join forces to carry out research into the future of transport and mobility solutions by signing a partnership agreement to create the Sustainable Mobility Institute (IMD). Ten years later, the Institute is a dynamic research community and a talent incubator supported by the teams from seven prestigious French engineering schools (Mines ParisTech, École Polytechnique, Télécom ParisTech, Chimie ParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech, Arts & Métiers ParisTech and the École des Ponts ParisTech) and ten ParisTech research laboratories. These scientific schools bring together experts in numerous areas, from chemistry to engineering and communications technologies, along with natural resource management, mechanics, and climate economics. Groupe Renault provides tangible projects as challenges to enable them to develop their know-how and skills. The annual budget granted by Renault to the IMD enables it to finance research projects, led by the permanent researchers in the Schools, that then build on work by master, doctorate or post-doctorate students according to four thematic focuses: Electric, connected and potentially autonomous mobility systems; P Business Models on electric, autonomous and shared mobility; P Global vision of the impacts of mobility and the industrial sectors P in question; New technological ecosystems for sustainable mobility. P The research conducted up to now has notably enabled: a better understanding of mobility practices and the P identification of innovations that are likely to develop worldwide, For example: meta-observatory of mobility (national and city levels), P global observatory of digital platforms, P low-cost electric mobility in India and China, P shared, digital mobility in African cities; P an understanding of the change in industrial sectors, P For example: agro-fuel sector in Brazil, P EV sector in China, P hydrogen sectors by zone worldwide; P the building or contribution to the launch of cutting-edge P training to prepare skills adapted to the new situation, For example: Electric Mobilities and Vehicles MOOC on Courser created at P the end of 2017 (2,100 people registered for the French version; 6,300 people registered for the English version in November 2019), Launch of the Smart Mobility specialized Masters in 2017; P 16 theses to be written (plus four currently ongoing). P For example: Elisabeth Windisch, Driving Electric? A financial assessment P of electric vehicle policies in France, 2013, Lucie Leveau, Étude de nanofils de silicium comme matériau P d’électrode négative de batterie lithium-ion (Study of silicon

nanowire as a negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries), 2015, Edouard Lanckriet, Le Système d’Innovation Technologique P des agroénergies de la canne à sucre, un outil de développement durable au Brésil, quels enseignements pour la formation des politiques de développement liées au capital naturel en Afrique de l’Ouest? (The Technological Innovation System for agro-energy from sugar cane, a sustainable development tool in Brazil, what findings for the drafting of development policies related to natural capital in West Africa), 2017, Bo Chen, Stratégies et Management de l’Innovation de P Rupture dans les Pays Emergents: le cas du Véhicule Electrique en Chine (Strategies and Management of Breakthrough Innovation in Emerging Countries: case study of Electric Vehicles in China), 2018, Giulia Marcocchia, Projects as the enablers of ecosystem’s P emergence: The case of the connected autonomous mobility, 2019; the reinforcement of our academic ties worldwide and the P mobilization of international research on our needs, Cooperation with UC Berkeley on the TWIZY launch in the P USA. Ties with Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, P Columbia University and various Japanese, Chinese and African universities. Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) Over the last six years, Renault has been a partner to the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), a think tank that aims to promote the transition towards sustainable development and prosperity for all. Its work focuses on four main topics: climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, oceans and governance of sustainable development. This partnership is therefore an opportunity to share visions and best practices with all players in the mobility ecosystem (manufacturers, power-supply specialists, public transport, infrastructure and institutional players) and jointly construct a coherent process to promote sustainable mobility worldwide. VeDeCom Institute – Zero-carbon communicating vehicles Renault is one of the founding members and an associate donor of the VeDeCom Institute, one of the Institutes for Energy Transition set up as part of the French Government’s Investment Plan for the Future (Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir). It is supported by the Mov’eo competitiveness cluster and several local authorities (Versailles Grand Parc and Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines city authorities, and Yvelines Departmental Council). VeDeCom is an institute for shared and co-located research into electric, autonomous and connected vehicles and the mobility ecosystem built on infrastructures and services addressing new uses for shared mobility and energy. VeDeCom has 57 members from different industry and service sectors (automotive, aeronautics, systems engineering, electronic components, ITC and numerical simulation, infrastructure management and transport operators, digital networks and energy grid operators), from several research and higher education




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