Groupe Renault - 2019 Universal Registration Document



Risk linked to insufficiently adequate products or services In the continuously changing environment of the automotive markets, regulations, customer expectations and technologies, the Group is exposed to a risk of an inadequate match between its product and services offering and the expectations of different markets, that could adversely impact its sales, revenues or income statement. Specific risks have been identified relating to: the enhancement of the technological content of vehicles and P related ecosystems, especially with regard to vehicle connectivity and related services and the development of autonomous vehicles; continual increases in the cost of vehicles resulting from more P stringent regulations, the accounting of which through corrective changes in sale prices could prove excessively difficult, thus weakening the economic balance and the future of certain products; the specific and strong ambition of the Group with respect to P electric vehicles, in the context of intense, complex and uncertainly scheduled industrial and market dynamics, in particular conditioned by regional regulations (CAFE for example, in Europe), and potentially skewed by aid policies; the current transition of the powertrain offer, in terms of P technologies (gasoline, diesel, electrical hybridization of combustion engines, electrical) and mix. In particular, the choice of hybridization technology, which is particularly sensitive to costs and offers differentiated customer and CO 2 performances, could turn out to be imperfectly adapted or paced, depending on the products and markets, thus potentially going against the overall technological and economic optimization defined by the Group for its CAFE trajectory. The definition of the Group’s future products is based on customer studies and analyses of automotive competitors, so that market expectations and developments and industry trends can be identified. It is also increasingly informed, on a global scale, by anticipatory technology watch by all of the Group’s development stakeholders, of the automotive industry and beyond. The development of new models or bodies is decided based on such work and an assessment of the expected profitability, calculated on the lifecycle projected from forecast revenues (sales volumes, market shares, sales prices) and costs (overall project entry ticket, unit costs). Wherever reference assumptions are strongly questioned (declining markets, aid policies, segments or volumes, higher investment or unit costs), the Group may have to recognize impairment on fixed assets (investment and capitalized development expenses, depreciated over the life of the vehicle) or book a provision to cover the contractual indemnities to be paid, if any, due to the failure to meet a minimum purchase volume. In concrete terms, the Program departments manage the project risks and in particular simulate the projected impacts of changes in assumptions, which they present, at each development milestone, to the Group’s Senior Management in order to highlight project resilience to environmental changes and decide on possible countermeasures to address identified risks.

From a more general perspective, to ensure the robustness of the product plan and keep risks under control, the Group: maximizes the distribution of the same model in different P markets, which reduces its exposure to possible fluctuations in one of these markets; offers a varied, balanced Product portfolio that meets customer P expectations in different segments and markets, so as to reduce the risk of dependency on a single market, segment or customer type; offers a diversified and adaptable engine portfolio (gasoline, P diesel, electric, etc.) to meet customer expectations in different markets and enable potential changes in the engine mix to be supported; develops, with its Alliance partners, a limited number of P standardized technical platforms to maximize economies of scale for component volumes and costs and facilitate their reuse from one region to another. Risk of insufficiently competitive quality of products and services The quality of the Group’s products and services could be insufficiently competitive in the face of heightened competition, which would adversely affect the satisfaction of its customers or partners, and negatively affect its sales, revenues, costs or reputation. This risk is considered within the stringent environment of major evolutions of the automotive technologies implemented by the Group as part of its strategic plan. Control of this risk was enhanced by a specific Customer Satisfaction plan that is managed by the Quality and Customer Satisfaction department; it relies in particular on quality assurance systems implemented within the Group’s operating activities as well as on functional safety organization and activities and general product safety, aiming to protect against the risks linked to the physical integrity of people involved in road use, starting with the users of the Group’s products and services. In addition, the Group has set up a market monitoring system that allows it to very quickly learn about sources of customer dissatisfaction and act accordingly, through such measures as enhanced recall processes in order to ensure the correction of quality problems, especially those that could have potential regulatory or safety consequences. Risks related to geographic location and economic conditions The Group has industrial and/or commercial operations in a large number of countries, some of which could present specific risks, that could result in adverse impacts on manufacturing and commercial operations, sales, revenues, the income statement or balance sheet: changes in economic conditions, political or regulatory instability, social unrest, protectionism, nationalizations, fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, lack of foreign currency liquidity, and foreign exchange controls.


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