Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022


Docaposte’s ambition is to promote ethical, sovereign and human digital technology in which everyone can have confidence. Its digital services are developed by building hosted infrastructures in France and Europe with, in the tradition of La Poste, the protection of personal data. Docaposte is also part of an ecosystem of players committed to the construction of digital sovereignty and the creation of a French cloud (NUMSPOT). The presence of the “Tech & Trust by Docaposte” marker on the solutions marketed by La Poste guarantees its commitment to trustworthy, ethical and responsible digital technology that contributes to simplifying life. The group’s diversification strategy is driven by new trusted digital products and services that are useful and accessible to all, such as those making it possible to: ■ secure administrative documents with the Digiposte+ digital mailbox and its associated mobile app. These free tools are used to store administrative documents and support users in their daily activities; ■ simplify and secure online procedures using a digital identity. Since 2015, La Poste offers the Digital Identity, which provides proof of identity validated by a trusted third party. The identification and authentication solution requires a face-to face identity check by a La Poste employee to set it up, and the user must confirm each login on their mobile. The Docaposte service was the first to obtain, in 2020, security certification at the substantial level under the European eIADS regulation from the French National Cybersecurity Agency; ■ facilitate mail procedures, thanks to the website. The website has been enhanced with the possibility of printing stamps at home, obtaining all the information needed to send mail and parcels, stamp-collecting, etc.; ■ digitise and secure French school children’s certificates of qualification for life , thanks to a partnership signed between La Poste and the French national education system. To promote the emergence of digital technology in healthcare , the group, through its subsidiary Docaposte, is aiming for a leading position in this sector, in line with its ambitions in home healthcare. Docaposte aims to be the leading trusted digital third party in France for the digital optimisation of the healthcare system. Docaposte is: ■ France’s leading health data host, with more than 45 million health records; ■ a leading operator of digital healthcare platforms; ■ a BtoB and BtoBtoC platform operator.

Docaposte is the partner of healthcare players, taking advantage of the progress made possible by new technologies and thanks to its recent acquisitions: ■ In 2022, Docaposte acquired the HEVA design office , the French leader in real-life assessment based on databases such as the French National Health Data System. With this new acquisition, Docaposte confirms the major place occupied by the healthcare sector in its strategy, on the one hand, and enriches its digital clinical research services , on the other, two years after the acquisition of InAdvans , a publisher specialising in digital solutions for regulated healthcare businesses, and three years after the acquisition of Icanopée , a leader in the supply of shared medical record connectors, and its acquisition of a stake in the Quebec company Tactio , a publisher of software enabling physicians to remotely monitor patients. ■ For the past two years, Docaposte has been accelerating its external growth strategy, particularly in the healthcare sector. As a reminder, in 2021, Docaposte acquired a stake in Adobis Group , a software publisher specialising in the processing and enhancement of massive or complex data, and co-founded the AGORiA SANTĒ consortium with AstraZeneca and Impact Healthcare. ■ In early 2023, Docaposte acquired Maincare, a leading provider of healthcare software for hospitals since 1999. Since its creation, Maincare has supported healthcare players in their digital transformation with a comprehensive offer of digital business solutions (healthcare production, telemedicine, care coordination, administrative, economic and financial management, HR, etc.) and services (strategic consulting, communication) and also offers a new generation computerised patient record. ■ Partnerships with clinic and hospital operators complete the set of solutions developed to bring hospitals and homes closer together for the benefit of patients. The coordination between hospital and home is facilitated by the services offered by the group’s Silver economy and Healthcare division. ■ Docaposte is also contributing to the digitisation of the care pathway : within healthcare facilities and when patients return home, ensuring that outpatient services are delivered more seamlessly and securely. The services developed are based on digitisation, in particular via Digiposte+ Ma Santé and the ADEL application developed for Elsan, the second largest operator of clinics in France. This app enables patients of the Elsan group to be supported at all stages of their care pathway: during their pre-admission to hospital, during their hospitalisation and during their post-hospitalisation follow-up at home.

66 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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