Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

Recruitment, mobility and professional development policy 6 EMPLOYMENT POLICY ENHANCING THE GROUP’S DEVELOPMENT ■

■ diversity and disability officers and workplace equality officers are present in the regions to raise awareness among managers and employees, support them, and guarantee an inclusive professional environment for all;

■ managers and HRDs, trained in diversity and disability, measure their diversity results using dashboards .


Equal opportunities and diversity are founding principles of the group’s HR policy. They guide the actions of the managers and HR teams who contribute to the recruitment, mobility and development of employees. La Poste Groupe is developing its employer brand and its talent onboarding strategy in accordance with its values of inclusion and equal opportunities . La Poste is developing a Talent policy to identify and support all employees capable of developing towards positions needing

personnel, in order to quickly meet the needs of the units. These meet the need for recruitment for positions such as customer service manager, customer advisor, HR manager, sector manager. Short-staffed positions are easily accessible to employees who wish to be candidates. In order to understand the skills and development wishes of the group’s employees , managers are instructed to note the employees’ development wishes during professional interviews and talent reviews .


La Poste Groupe has a communication and dialogue policy which is based on the following practices: ■ Respect and attentiveness to all stakeholders , in particular employees (symmetry of attentions) (1) ■ Taking into account all views and regular communication from La Poste to its employees : ■ daily, weekly, monthly and annual managerial discussions with employees; ■ time for communication and dialogue at the start of shifts, to share the expectations of the day and the problems encountered (daily brief); ■ institutional communication via “espaces-temps communication” (ETC) on major topics in the life of the Company; ■ systematic participatory approach: construction of the strategic plan, etc. ■ Individual and collective listening to solve problems and improve the quality of life at work, with the network of life at work mediators . This network comprises 190 social workers, who offer support, particularly to the most vulnerable employees (financial aid, housing, etc.). ■ Annual survey (commitment survey) among all group employees, and annual surveys to collect opinions on actions taking place during the year. ■ Internal media : intranet on daily life, HR intranet forum ■ Possibility of speaking out in the event of an alert

In terms of impact, for 2023, La Poste Groupe has defined a strong ambition to raise awareness and mobilise employees in the face of societal, environmental and governance issues. To achieve this strong and systemic ambition, eight actions have been defined: ■ Incorporate CSR criteria into the variable compensation of employees, with deployment to the group’s 6,000 managers ■ Deploy the climate fresco (with 50,000 employees trained before the end of 2024) ■ Develop and deploy a comprehensive ESG training offer for employees to raise their awareness of ESG issues and opportunities and to integrate ESG into their daily lives ■ Identify and lead ambassadors (beyond the usual CSR channels) to participate in the dissemination of the ESG culture and facilitate feedback from the field on projects or initiatives ■ Accelerate the development of one-off skills sponsorship ■ Raise awareness among all employees about eco-friendly practices ■ Promote and publicise the group’s actions illustrating its non financial commitments ■ Implement a continuous improvement process fuelled by feedback from employees and measure the impact of actions

(1) Programmes rolled out in the business units: “Echangeons” at the Services-Mail-Parcels business unit, “ParlonZen” listening group, field visits.

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 113

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