Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022


CSR Report 2022

Report on the group’s environmental, societal and governance (ESG) performance

This sustainability report has been prepared to complement La Poste Groupe’s Universal Registration Document. It provides useful information for assessing La Poste Groupe’s non-financial performance in 2022. This report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI standards), the international framework of the Global Compact, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the guidelines set by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. This document presents the objectives and ambitions defined by the group on the basis of assumptions and an updated risk analysis. The current context is fraught with unforeseeable exogenous factors that are not controlled by the group. La Poste Groupe therefore draws the attention of readers of this CSR report to the fact that these factors could cause it difficulty or delay in achieving its objectives, despite the good faith implementation of the resources described in the roadmaps associated with the objectives.

Additional useful resources

■ 2022 Universal Registration Document (URD), including: 1. Strategic plan: pages 6 and 7 and Section 1.4.4 2. Statement of non-financial performance: Chapter 4 3. Vigilance plan: Annex 1a 4. Report of the independent third party on the statement of non-financial performance: Section 4.4.3

■ La Poste Groupe 2022 integrated activity report ■ 2022 report of the La Poste Mission Committee ■ 2022 essentials ■ Green bond report ■ Non-financial ratings ■ La Poste Groupe website for the general public






A large multi-business group

6 7

1.2 A strengthened societal commitment

1.3 Structured governance


1.4 A business model serving value creation

32 34 36

1.5 Commitments supported at the level of the business units and main subsidiaries 2 ■ CONTRIBUTING TO REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COHESION 1.6 Appendix

37 40 42 43 44 49 51 53 55 56 57 62 65 67 68 70 71 72 88 89 92 99 59


Adapting postal coverage formats to local needs

2.2 Supporting local authorities in the development of their public policies

2.3 Supporting local economic players in their development 2.4 Accelerating and strengthening responsible purchasing

2.5 Innovating for regional ecosystems 3 ■ PROMOTING SOCIAL INTEGRATION

3.1 Promoting the integration of young people and equal opportunities

3.2 Acting in favour of ageing well

3.3 Supporting financially vulnerable people

3.4 Deploying a philanthropy and general interest policy 4 ■ FOSTERING ETHICAL, INCLUSIVE AND FRUGAL DIGITAL SERVICES 4.1 Accelerating the digital transformation by ensuring ethics and digital security

4.2 Developing digital trust services

4.3 Asserting itself as a major player in digital inclusion 4.4 Advancing the responsible digital services approach

4.5 Working with the ecosystem to ensure that digital technology has a positive societal impact 5 ■ WORKING TO ACCELERATE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITION FOR ALL


Improving climate resilience

5.2 Reducing the emission of air and noise pollutants

5.3 Protecting biodiversity

5.4 Becoming a leading player in the rational management of resources




Material issues relating to La Poste Groupe’s workforce

108 108

6.2 Human rights policy

6.3 Quality of life and working conditions policy and preservation of health and safety at work

111 112 113 113 114

6.4 Diversity and inclusion policy

6.5 Recruitment, mobility and professional development policy

6.6 Communication and dialogue policy

6.7 Social appendix



121 122 131 134


GRI Index

7.2 Methodological note

7.3 Glossary


La Poste Groupe’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Philippe Wahl


In 2022, the slowdown in growth and widespread inflation linked to the war in Ukraine weighed heavily on our activities. After the health crisis, it is a new economic shock for our group. Despite this, our operating revenue increased. We have demonstrated our resilience and our ability to bounce back, based on the strength and flexibility of our multi-business model. We consolidated our historical activities with the introduction of the new mail range. Effective since 1 January 2023, it is more adapted to the changes in needs and uses, and it will enable La Poste to achieve the target of 60,000 metric tonnes less CO 2 emissions per year, i.e. a 25% reduction in emissions within the mail scope, thanks to the optimisation of truck loading and the elimination of three daily air routes in France. We are accelerating the development of our growth drivers, namely logistics, e-commerce and bancassurance. Added to these drivers there is the surge in new activities such as proximity services and trusted digital services.

2 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE


In the Mission Committee’s second report, we present the progress made towards achieving our statutory objectives. Building on our long-term and ever stronger commitment, this year we once again renew La Poste Groupe’s commitment to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the objectives for 2030 of the global sustainable development strategy. Through its public service missions, the group is also on the front line to meet the challenges of regional cohesion and maintaining social interaction, which are currently weakened. To preserve the local postal coverage, La Poste is committed to developing its proximity services. The new missions of La Poste’s employees as part of the “moving towards” approach - visiting seniors, delivering meals or medicines - play a fundamental role in regional cohesion. The group is therefore transforming itself, affirming its ambition to be a driving force in the transitions underway, at the service of all and in particular the most vulnerable. Our public service missions and our status as a company with a mission are embodied in our constantly renewed environmental, social and societal commitments.

As a result, Digiposte is the leading digital safe in France with 8.5 million customers and the La Poste Digital Identity now provides secure access to the personal training account. The development of digital services also creates a risk of exclusion for some citizens. It is our responsibility as La Poste employees to respond to this challenge of digital exclusion, and we provided support to nearly 474,000 people in 2022. La Poste Groupe plays a leading role in decarbonising the economy, both in logistics and financial services, with the aim of remaining a leader in the environmental transition. The group’s main businesses, namely La Poste, La Banque Postale and GeoPost, have signed the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C” agreement of the international Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and are therefore committed to achieving a net zero ambition by 2040. La Banque Postale was the first bank to announce the end of its financing of fossil fuels by 2030, and CNP Assurances is committed to the carbon neutrality of its investment portfolio. The CSR rating agencies reward our actions: CDP, the leading international organisation, has placed La Poste Groupe on List A as regards Climate Change, i.e. among the 200 best-rated companies in the world. For its part, Moody’s ESG Solutions ranks La Poste first in the world, all sectors combined. Lastly, EcoVadis once again awarded La Poste the Platinum medal. These awards are a source of pride and motivation for all of La Poste’s employees.

30 May 2023

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 3

4 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

1.1 A LARGE MULTI-BUSINESS GROUP 6 1.2 A STRENGTHENED SOCIETAL COMMITMENT 7 1.2.1 High-level commitments backed by international initiatives 7 1.2.2 An approach driven by dialogue with stakeholders 8 1.2.3 A commitment based on a double materiality analysis 10 1.2.4 A new dynamic for impact 13 1.2.5 Recognised non-financial performance 14 1.3 STRUCTURED GOVERNANCE 15 1.3.1 Governance bodies TCFD 1.a, 1.b 15 1.3.2 CSR/ESG steering bodies 19 1.3.3 Deployment of management systems and certifications 23 1.3.4 Raising awareness and training of La Poste’s employees on sustainability issues 23 1.3.5 Responsible representation of interests 24 1.3.6 A desire to participate in market discussions 28 1.3.7 Strengthened ethical principles 30 1.3.8 Precautionary principle 31 1.4 A BUSINESS MODEL SERVING VALUE CREATION 32 1.5 COMMITMENTS SUPPORTED AT THE LEVEL OF THE BUSINESS UNITS AND MAIN SUBSIDIARIES 34 1.6 APPENDIX 36 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY 1 ■

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A large multi-business group 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■



On 8 May 2023, La Poste Groupe published its first consolidated activity report, for 2022, a first for the group. The report provides a global and interconnected overview of the group’s business, presenting its strategic commitments and ambitions, and its financial and non-financial results for the year 2022. On 30 March 2023, La Poste Groupe also published the second report of its Mission Committee. This publication provides an update on the four commitments that La Poste has made as a company with a mission: ■ contributing to the development and cohesion of regions; ■ improving social inclusion; ■ promoting ethical, inclusive and frugal digital services; ■ working to accelerate the environmental transition for all. Lastly, the Universal Registration Document (URD) was filed with the French Financial Markets Authority ( Autorité des marchés financiers - AMF) on 23 March 2023. This document strives to comply with the regulatory and legal framework governing the content of the URD (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of 14 June 2017 or “Prospectus Regulation III”), the law on the duty of vigilance and the

law defining the outlines of the Statement of Non-Financial Performance (SNFP). This content is structured as follows in this URD: ■ Chapter 1 presents the strategic orientations, the business model, as well as the anti-corruption and anti-tax evasion policies; ■ Chapter 2 describes the material risks specific to the group, the measures to mitigate these risks and their degree of net criticality; these risks include all the ESG risks faced by the group; ■ the statement of non-financial performance (SNFP), as defined by Article L. 22-10-36 paragraph 1 of the French Commercial Code, the elements of which are identified in the cross reference table in Section 8.4 of this document, recalls the main non-financial risks to which the group is exposed and the associated mitigation policies; in accordance with regulations, the SNFP is reviewed each year by an independent auditor, whose report is included in Section 4.4.3 “Report by an independent third party on the consolidated non-financial information statement”; ■ lastly, the vigilance plan is presented in Section 8.1 of the URD.












The table below maps the structuring information presented in its other publications that provide an understanding of La Poste Groupe, its context, its business model, its strategy and its performance.


Reference section for an overview

■ History

■ 2022 Integrated Annual Report, pages 8-9 ■ 2022 Universal Registration Document, pages 18-19

■ Background

■ 2022 Integrated Annual Report, pages 10-11

■ Profile and governance

■ 2022 Universal Registration Document, pages 4-5, 10-11, 12-15 ■ 2022 Integrated Annual Report, pages 14-19 and 24-41 ■ 2022 Universal Registration Document, pages 6-7 and 24-29

■ Transformation strategy and model

■ Financial and non-financial performance

■ 2022 Integrated Annual Report, pages 66-69 ■ 2022 Universal Registration Document, pages 8-9

6 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2 A STRENGTHENED SOCIETAL COMMITMENT 1.2.1 High-level commitments backed by international initiatives

In terms of the fight against climate change, protection of the environment and biodiversity, La Poste Groupe sets out its commitments within the following frameworks: ■ RE 100 since 2016; ■ Sector commitment of the IPC and the Universal Postal Union (UPU); ■ French climate pledge; ■ Supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since July 2019; ■ Corporate Engagement Program (SBTi for nature), January 2021; ■ Science Based Targets (carbon trajectories of La Poste SA and La Banque Postale, respectively validated in 2019 and 2021); ■ Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge of the SBTi, October 2021; ■ Commitment with WWF France towards zero carbon delivery; ■ In 2021, La Poste committed to being the first company with a “SBT for resources”-certified trajectory by 2030. In the field of digital services , La Poste Groupe sets out its commitments within the following frameworks:

The social, societal and environmental commitments that the group has set itself the task of pursuing within the framework of its activity, within the meaning of 2° of Article L. 210-10 of the French Commercial Code, are broken down into ambitions for 2030. They correspond to the positive impact that the group intends to continue to produce for society as part of its development. They enable La Poste Groupe to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) . The following SDGs are at the heart of the group’s priorities:

■ SDG 3: Good health and well-being; ■ SDG 4: Quality education; ■ SDG 7: Clean and affordable energy;

■ SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth; ■ SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure; ■ SDG 10: Reduced inequalities; ■ SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities; ■ SDG 12: Responsible consumption; ■ SDG 13: Climate action; ■ SDG 15: Life on land.

■ Responsible Digital Charter (2019); ■ Inclusion Manifesto (2019); ■ Planet Tech Care Manifesto (2020).

More generally, the two areas of commitment led by SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and SDG 17 (partnerships for the achievement of the objectives) support all of the group’s activities and commitments. As part of its adherence to the United Nations Global Compact, the group publishes an annual communication on its progress at advanced level. The group’s societal commitment is based on international guidelines, in particular: ■ the United Nations Global Compact (since 2003); ■ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; ■ the OECD guidelines; ■ the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO); ■ the UNI Global Union (signed by GeoPost/DPDgroup in 2017); ■ the Forum des entreprises engagées (the Forum of committed companies) (in terms of ethics). In France, La Poste is a signatory of the Diversity Charter, the Parenthood Charter, the Apprenticeship Charter and the Charter of the Union of Advertisers (UDA).

La Banque Postale (and its subsidiaries LBP AM and CNP Assurances), which has been publicly involved since its creation in numerous industry initiatives to promote more sustainable finance, joined the following industry initiatives in 2021:

■ Net Zero Banking Alliance; ■ Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative; ■ Finance for Biodiversity Pledge; ■ CDP signatory; ■ PRB Commitment to Financial Health and Inclusion.

For more information on the sustainable finance commitments, see page 107 of La Banque Postale group’s 2022 Universal Registration Document.

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A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.2 An approach driven by dialogue with stakeholders The stakeholders of La Poste Groupe make up a rich, complex ecosystem. The group identifies the stakeholders with which it engages according to the scale and frequency of their interactions with the group. It extends its responsibility to its entire value chain. Shareholders, customers, suppliers, local authorities and employees of La Poste Groupe are among the main stakeholders, as they are essential to operational performance and value creation.

In 2020, La Poste Groupe also organised an extensive consultation of all its stakeholders with a view to drafting the purpose: ■ an internal working group composed of around 30 employees from the group’s main entities drafted proposals on how to express La Poste Groupe’s purpose; ■ these proposals were submitted to seven dedicated working groups bringing together around a hundred representatives of external stakeholders by major category: individual customers, VSE customers, SME and ISE customers, key accounts, elected representatives and local authorities, elected parliamentarians, partners and suppliers. Two additional working groups took into account the feedback from representatives of internal stakeholders, and more specifically a panel of employees from all the group’s business units and subsidiaries in the regions; ■ the trade unions were also consulted during bilateral meetings between the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Head of Human Resources and each organisation and during discussions in plenary sessions. The purpose and manifesto were then tested with all the people approached in workshops as well as with 6,500 other stakeholders (individual customers, companies, elected representatives and opinion leaders) through the annual SMART brand and transformation survey. In addition to this exceptional consultation, La Poste Groupe incorporates the expectations of its stakeholders in a regular update of its materiality matrix. The last update took place in 2022, in application of the concept of double materiality introduced by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive currently being drawn up by the European Commission.

Over time, the group has built partnerships with NGOs, maintaining close relations with them. These partnerships make it possible to find shared solutions, and work together to drive societal progress in the public interest. Thanks to the expertise of the NGOs, the group can also improve the way it works. To identify the categories of stakeholders involved in its activities, the group uses: ■ the NF X30-29 standard on the methodology for identifying stakeholders and the hierarchisation of the fields of action for an organisation given the impact on society and the environment; ■ the ISO 26000 standard; ■ the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards; ■ the UN’s sustainable development policy; ■ the Charter and guiding principles for constructive dialogue with stakeholders (Comité 21) . The participative approach is a very structuring system for La Poste Groupe. It materialised in 2020 through a consultation of all its stakeholders. In total, 140,000 people (La Poste employees, customers, partners, elected representatives, citizens, suppliers) took part. Their contributions were integrated into the development of the strategic plan “La Poste 2030, committed for you”.

8 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

Types of direct stakeholders Main expectations identified French State

■ Respect of commitments with the French State (regulatory compliance and public service obligation) ■ Customer satisfaction and adaptation to consumer expectations ■ Financial performance and sustainability of the business model (long-term value creation) ■ Managing risks that may affect the Company’s reputation ■ Being listened to, taken into account, receiving a personalised response on the first request and real-time tracking of communications ■ Innovative offer adapted to different needs ■ Data protection and confidentiality ■ Easy, quick and intuitive access to services


Customers and consumer associations

Employees and their representatives

■ Quality jobs and working conditions (health, safety, quality of life at work) ■ Involvement in changes within the Company and in ESG initiatives ■ Boosting employability and supporting career paths

Local elected representatives, local authorities

■ Strong presence in their region, including in underprivileged areas. Involvement in local projects that promote sustainable development (climate plan, regional climate-air-energy plans [SRCAE], city policy, and rural development)

■ Contribution to the policy in favour of vulnerable people ■ Support for the implementation of public service activities

Suppliers and subcontractors

■ Long-term economic partnership with ad hoc solutions to propose innovation ■ Compliance with contractual commitments and payment deadlines ■ Conditions of access to fair markets, choice criteria on the part of La Poste Groupe, not only in terms of prices but also of the ESG criteria

Other companies and groups

■ Discussions on shared practices, tools, positions or commitments ■ Respecting fair competition rules

Non-profit sector partners (NGOs or other non-profit organisations)

■ Transparency of practices and communications ■ Contribution by the group to progress on sustainable development and national and local solidarity initiatives

Multi-stakeholder organisations

■ Request for dialogue with the group, information and feedback pertaining to the commitments made ■ Request for participation in public interest work, making commitments relating to the sustainable development topics

■ marketing communication; ■ non-compliance with social and economic laws and regulations; ■ environmental non-compliance.

La Poste Groupe is not subject to litigation (1) for reasons of:

■ consumer-related non-compliance of its products and services; ■ non-compliance of labelling on its products and services;

(1) All grievances or complaints directly filed against one or other of the entities of which the group’s Legal Department is aware, i.e. at least any dispute or fine exceeding €10 million.

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A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.3 A commitment based on a double materiality analysis In the last quarter of 2022, La Poste Groupe updated (1) its materiality analysis, in application of the principle of double materiality , introduced by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The process of building this double materiality combined: ■ impact materiality, which takes into account the negative and positive impacts of the Company on its environment (Inside-out approach); ■ financial materiality, which considers the positive (opportunities) and negative (risks) impacts of the environment on the Company, likely to influence its performance and results (Outside-in approach). This matrix highlights three major challenges: “the climate and the low-carbon transition”, “customer satisfaction and quality of service” and “health, safety and well-being”. These three areas resonate strongly with the group’s strategy and the four societal commitment missions.

Double materiality matrix


Climate and low-carbon transition

Business model and resilience

Customer satisfaction and service levels

Customer support

Information systems Health, safety and well-being

Digital trust

2 1 0 3 4 5 6 7

Climate change adaptation

Business continuity risks


More responsible products and services

Skills and employability Resources and waste

Exemplary company

Economic development and inclusion

Regulations, ethics

Regional economy

Responsible supply chain

Work environement and commitment

Innovation and transformation



Cohesion and essential services

Diversity and inclusion at work






Air, pollution and nuisances

Biodiversity and systems


Communication and dialogue



Environmental challenges

Governance/economic challenges Social challenges

Useful information and services







(1) Main changes in method compared to the previous update carried out in 2019: simple materiality principle, 20 issues, alignment of rating grids with those of the risk function, complete group coverage, consideration of business specificities, expansion of the number stakeholders consulted.

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A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

This double materiality exercise (1) , managed by the Societal Commitment Department at La Poste Groupe level, involved the cross-functional departments (finance, HR, strategy, communication, purchasing) and all business units. The dedicated Steering Committee, made up of members of the Group CSR Committee, met four times to approve the organisational arrangements and deliverables. The group’s double materiality analysis took place from August to December 2022, in four phases: ■ identification of the universe of the group’s challenges; ■ assessment of the materiality of the impact on external stakeholders; ■ assessment of the financial materiality by internal stakeholders; ■ consolidation of results. The group has carried out a context analysis to define the universe of its ESG challenges, based on the identification of major macroeconomic trends. This study was based on the reports of the World Economic Forum and other international organisations, on the trends of the group’s business segments, on the sustainability reports of competing companies and on the requirements of the European taxonomy. This highlighted the major risks of instability and the main opportunities for the group. On this basis, the universe of the group’s ESG challenges was established from the list of issues proposed in the draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) of the CSRD and supplemented by the main reference frameworks and general, sectoral and thematic reporting standards (GRI, SASB, SDG, TCFD, UN-PRI). This step also included a benchmark to identify risks, opportunities and sustainability impacts by La Poste Groupe business line ( i.e. banking, transport and logistics, network and digital services). 25 ESG issues were selected to constitute the ESG universe subject to materiality analysis. These challenges are classified into three categories (Environment, Social, Governance) , and each is associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the GRI reporting standards. In order to carry out the materiality assessment of the impact on external stakeholders, La Poste Groupe divided them into four categories: ■ internal stakeholders (shareholders, Executive Committee, Mission Committee, employees and trade unions); ■ market regulators (regulatory authorities, non-financial rating agencies); ■ economic partners (individual and professional customers, associations, local authorities, suppliers and subcontractors); ■ societal influencers (elected officials, associations, press and media).

The group then determined the criticality of each stakeholder on the basis of their role in the Company’s strategic and regulatory framework, their expertise, their ability to influence and their involvement in collective discussions relating to the group’s business segments. This criticality has given rise to weightings assigned to the ratings assigned by the various categories of stakeholders. More than 360,000 stakeholders were consulted between October and December 2022, via a digital platform. They were asked to rate the level of importance of the 25 issues selected, on a scale from 1 to 4. To help them understand the group’s issues, an explanatory booklet was provided to them, including: ■ the definition of the issue and the associated topics; ■ the risks for society, the environment and companies of not taking this issue into account; ■ the opportunities to reduce its negative impacts; ■ examples of La Poste Groupe’s actions integrating this issue, in its three main activities (financial services, mail/parcel delivery services, digital services) and at group level. The overall list of issues proposed for stakeholder assessment was adapted to the specificities of the group’s business lines; each stakeholder was asked to specify the business line on which its assessment was based. Each respondent was therefore able to rate the key issues (increased risk of negative impacts) relating to the sector in question more strongly. Each business unit assessed the financial materiality of the group’s 25 challenges for its own activity. The business units’ CSR directors organised workshops with their respective departments: HR, Finance, Risks and Operations. They also based their work on the risk mapping and climate mapping (developed according to the TCFD methodology). The financial impact refers to that which positively or negatively affects operating revenue, running costs, investments, attractiveness to investors or other financial instruments (bonds, cost of debt). For each issue the business units assessed: ■ whether or not it carries financial risks or opportunities; ■ the timing of the financial impact (short, medium, long term); ■ the severity of the financial impact on the structure; ■ the order of magnitude of the financial impact of the risk related to the issue and its probability of occurrence, according to the assessment scales of the Group Risk Department.

(1) This exercise is intended to be repeated every two to three years.

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A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

Financial impact severity scale (positive or negative)

Associated rating





< €2M



€2M to €5M



€5M to €10M


Very high

> €10M

Financial impact probability scale Assessment

Associated rating



Very likely

The risk or opportunity is very probable and the main conditions for its occurrence are now in place so that it will manifest itself in the short term. The risk or opportunity is probable and the main conditions for its occurrence are now in place for it to occur in the medium or long term. The risk or opportunity is possible under conditions that are not met today but are likely to be met in the future. The risk or opportunity is highly unlikely and is expected to occur only exceptionally (subject to a combination of very specific conditions).






Very unlikely

More than 5,300 internal and external stakeholders, representing all categories of the group’s stakeholders, were involved in this analysis. The consolidation for the group is the sum of the results of each activity, weighted by the contribution of the business unit to the group’s operating revenue. The materiality study is based on the Company’s risk assessment tools, and the scoring grids used are similar. The group has ensured the consistency between the conclusions of the materiality study and the existing risk mappings. No major inconsistencies were noted. The Company’s decision-making processes, which already include the consideration of risks, have therefore not been modified. La Poste Groupe selected the information as published in the matrix below according to the following criteria: ■ the importance of the information in relation to the subject it describes or explains; ■ the ability of this information to meet the decision-making needs of users;

■ the need for transparency vis-à-vis stakeholders, particularly with regard to the expectations of non-financial rating agencies; ■ the relevance of the information with regard to sector analyses. This matrix highlights three major challenges: “the climate and the low-carbon transition”, “customer satisfaction and quality of service” and “health, safety and well-being”. These three axes resonate in strong echo with the group’s strategy and the four societal commitment missions. Materiality Reporting, the leading service provider on the subject in the market, supported the group throughout the process, from defining the universe of issues to reporting the results. The information published in this CSR report supplements the information summarised in the integrated activity report (see pages 20-21).

12 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.4 A new dynamic for impact To support the major transitions - environmental and energy, digital, demographic and social, regional - which are transforming our societies, La Poste is making strong commitments. It thus reinforces its positioning as a positive impact company, reconciling economic performance and public interest. These commitments are anchored in the status of a company with a mission, which La Poste adopted in 2022. It therefore amended its Articles of Association to include the purpose as well as four social and environmental objectives which are all commitments of the group to society as a whole: ■ contributing to the development and cohesion of regions; ■ improving social inclusion; ■ promoting ethical, inclusive and frugal digital services; ■ working to accelerate the environmental transition for all. The group’s social policy is both a lever and a foundation for its transformation (see Chapter 6 of this document).

Section 1.1.3 “A mission-led company” (pages 21 to 23) of La Poste Groupe’s 2022 URD presents: ■ the context of the adoption of the status of a company with a mission; ■ the purpose for La Poste and its employees (preparation methods and La Poste’s manifesto); ■ the social and environmental objectives set out in the Articles of Association; ■ the enhanced governance; ■ the indicators monitored by the Mission Committee. The adoption by La Poste of the status of a company with a mission completes the exercise by the group of its public service missions . They are enshrined in law and the conditions for their implementation are at the heart of the Public Service Agreement between La Poste and the French State. The commitments as a company with a mission are based on a voluntary and autonomous approach. These two different approaches enriched each other and contribute jointly to the general interest. Lastly, La Poste’s adoption of the status of a company with a mission (1) is structured and jointly enhanced by the initiatives carried out at all levels within the large public financial division .

Purpose: The Caisse des Dépôts group, a unique alliance of public and private economic players, is committed at the heart of the regions , to accelerate the environmental transformation and to contribute to providing a better life for all . Purpose: Serving all, useful to everyone, La Poste, a proximity company with local anchorage , develops exchanges and forges essential links by contributing to the common good of society as a whole. Purpose: Because its was born with a civic vocation , La Banque Postale is convinced that there is no sustainable value creation without sharing, no economic dynamism without the vitality of the regions, no sustainable development without respect for planetary limits . By offering efficient and accessible services, our mission is to enable everyone to fulfil themselves and to contribute, through their investment, savings, insurance and consumption choices , to building a society that is more attentive to the planet and to all its inhabitants. As a committed banker and insurer, we want to work towards this fair transition, with all our customers and all our employees. Purpose: As responsible insurers and investors, driven by the civic vocation of our group, we work with our partners towards an inclusive and sustainable society by providing as many people as possible with solutions that protect and facilitate all life situations .

Company with mission since 2021

Company with mission since 2022

(1) The mission monitoring indicators were defined for the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years with the Mission Committee and are available in the second report of the Mission Committee available for download from the website

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A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.5 Recognised non-financial performance For several years now , La Poste Groupe has had a proactive approach to assessing its non-financial performance and is regularly assessed by several organisations (1) . This enables it to ensure the quality of its overall corporate social responsibility approach and to remain vigilant about all environmental, societal and governance requirements and issues. In 2022, the non-financial rating agencies once again praised the momentum of La Poste Groupe’s progress.

This recognition resonates even more within the group since 2021 as the composite index made up of CDP, EcoVadis and Vigeo Eiris ratings is part of the monitoring indicators of the new strategic plan . As a component of the management roadmap, business ethics, climate change, responsible customer relations, human capital and societal commitment are part of the group’s performance measurement.


Platinum As a Top 1% supplier Score: 78/100 in September 2022

Leadership – A List Top 1% of global companies ranked for their climate action

No. 1 in the world all sectors combined Score: 77/100 in October 2021

Score: A in December 2022

(1) The non-financial ratings of La Poste Groupe are available on the website

14 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE


1.3 STRUCTURED GOVERNANCE 1.3.1 Governance bodies TCFD 1.a, 1.b To conduct and coordinate its corporate social responsibility policy, the group has put in place a governance system to mobilise employees and each business unit and subsidiary to contribute to its commitments in ways specific to its activities, on the basis of a common core of orientations and values. The governance bodies are responsible for defining the group’s ESG policy. The interdependent nature of the environmental, social and societal issues serves the group’s resilience and stakeholder satisfaction. It is supported by all levels and functions of the Company. The mapping of group and ESG risks follows the same approach. (1) In 2022, the Quality and Sustainable Development Committee (presented on page 222 of La Poste Groupe’s 2022 URD) reported four times on its work to the Board of Directors, on the following topics: ■ contribution to the roadmap of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; ■ mobilisation of decision-makers on the strategic axis “customer satisfaction”: creation of the France Customer Coordination Committee and coordination with the Quality and Sustainable Development Committee and the Group Quality Committee; ■ launch of the relational signature of the strategic project to improve the customer experience; ■ annual report of the Group Consumer Ombudsman; ■ annual report on ESG; ■ update on the quality of life at work; ■ update on the group’s digitisation monitoring indicators; ■ sharing of La Banque Postale’s customer experience approach: context, objectives, actions, customer satisfaction results (NPS); ■ the Executive Committee’s customer satisfaction dashboard; ■ progress report on the work of the France Customer Coordination Committee ( Comité de coordination - client France - CCCF); ■ update on customer experience monitoring at Chronopost.

The Public Service Missions Committee, chaired by Mr Franck Gervais , was created in March 2020 with the task of preparing the work of the Board of Directors and making recommendations to it on La Poste’s public service missions, as defined by law and specified in the Public Service Agreement mentioned above. Once a year, the Committee reviews the performance of each of the four public service missions. It is informed by La Poste’s Executive Management of the adequacy between the resources implemented by the Company, the compensation allocated to it for said missions and the expected results in this area. The Committee also oversees the implementation of La Poste’s “voluntary civic commitments”. The Executive Committee is presented in Section 5.1.3 “Executive Committee” of La Poste Groupe’s 2022 URD. The Executive Committee reviews the ESG risk mapping developed as part of the group’s risk mapping process. It performs the ESG performance monitoring in different settings: ■ management of the strategic plan: the Executive Committee carried out an assessment of the previous strategic plan, including the review of the environmental objectives for 2020. The Executive Committee also worked on and defined the orientations and ambitions for 2030 and the objectives for 2025 of the new strategic plan; ■ the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’s monthly dashboard ; ■ monitoring of the business units’ ESG results as part of their performance monitoring; ■ during the assessment of all external growth or strategic investment projects in terms of amounts or issues and where the economic, social and environmental impacts are analysed; ■ in the Chairman’s roadmap, which includes the composite index for monitoring non-financial ratings and GHG reduction trajectories .

(1) See Chapter 2 Risk management in La Poste Groupe’s Universal Registration Document, pages 93-114, and the robust risk management approach presented in the integrated activity report, pages 46-47.

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Governance in place within the group (1) (2) (3) (4)








EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT (3) Risk management, Internal Control and Audit, Legal and International Affairs Departments…









Group Compliance Coordination Committee, Duty of Vigilance Steering Committee, etc.

CSR Committee, TCFD Climate Risk Committee, Energy Strategy Committee, etc.

Ethical, Inclusive and Frugal Digital Committee,

National and local occupational health and safety committees, Governance Committee of training organisations, etc.

Responsible Purchasing Committee, EU Taxonomy Committee, Green Bond Committee, etc.

Cyber Security Committee, etc.





Suppliers and subcontractors

Other companies and groups

Trade unions



NGOs, associations, multi-stakeholder organisations

Investors, Fund Managers, Financial analysts, Banks

Elected representatives and local authorities

Non-financial rating agencies

Retail customers



Key accounts customers

Consumer associations

SME and ISE customers, Small professionals



See La Poste Group’s 2022 Universal Registration Document, Chapter 5 Governance, pages 200-230, in particular Section 5.1 on the structure and composition of governance and Section 5.2.3 “Board committees” as well as the Mission Committee.

(1) See Chapter 5 “Governance structure” of La Poste Groupe’s 2022 Universal Registration Document. All of La Poste Groupe’s corporate governance bodies are described in detail. (2) The Stakeholder Committee is not a Board of Directors Committee; it acts as a mission committee within the meaning of the PACTE Act and is responsible for monitoring the Company’s implementation of its commitments related to its status as a company with a mission. (3) See the simplified organisational chart of the group in Section 1.1.2 of La Poste Groupe’s Universal Registration Document (p. 20). (4) See the specific organisation of the compliance governance in Section “Governance” of La Poste Groupe’s Universal Registration Document (p. 455).

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In application of the gender diversity principle , ten members of La Poste’s Board of Directors are women.

From 27 January 2021

Percentage of women in governance bodies

March 2022

March 2023

Board of Directors (directors, excluding non-voting members (a)




Quality and Sustainable Development Committee

71% (b)



Public Service Missions Committee




Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee




Audit Committee




Strategy and Investment Committee




Executive Committee




As a reminder: percentage of women (c)




(a) Excluding employee representatives (in accordance with the Copé Zimmerman Act). (b) Calculated including one non-voting member. (c) La Poste scope. The inclusion of ESG criteria in the management compensation system supports this appreciation of non-financial performance. At the group level, the Chairman’s roadmap breaks down into compensation criteria for: ■ 25% of the variable compensation of Executive Committee members; ■ 35% of the variable compensation of other senior and strategic executives at the head office; ■ 10% of the variable compensation of other business unit senior and strategic executives (with the exception of strategic executives of the Services-Mail-Parcels business unit). The criteria used depend on the achievement of the objectives of the new strategic plan, including the ESG ambitions, and each determine 25% of the “Chairman’s roadmap” portion: ■ the achievement of the “a responsible, citizen group” objective, including: ■ customer satisfaction (5%), ■ the “Quality of life at work” rating (5%), ■ improving the rating of rating agencies, ■ non-financial (5%); ■ the achievement of the “a multi-business group going digital” objective. To also accelerate the inclusion of ESG in managerial practices, a 30% focus on managers (cumulative individual and collective ■ reduction in the group’s net GHG emissions (5%), ■ decrease in the frequency of accidents at work (5%),

objectives) on ESG criteria will be implemented by 2025 . These criteria will vary according to the business units and business functions. They will focus on: ■ The environmental dimension: for example, actions to reduce the CO 2 emissions and the energy consumption of buildings and the vehicle fleet, training of teams in green investment advice, promotion of recycling and reuse in the workplace. ■ The social dimension : for example, actions to promote the recruitment of people far from employment, to reduce accidents in the workplace, to improve the consideration of team suggestions. ■ The societal dimension : for example, actions to promote the integration of young people, actions to strengthen the direct or indirect use of companies in the protected workforce integration sector or the disabled and sheltered sector, actions to promote skills-based sponsorship within its team. ■ The governance dimension : for example, inclusion of an ESG risk management criterion in employee HR reviews, transparency on actions, themes, objectives and expenses for representation of interests, actions to promote dialogue with external stakeholders. ■ The customer satisfaction and customer service dimension : for example, actions to promote the accessibility of physical and digital sites, to improve the net promoter score (NPS), to ensure the respect of data integrity, to reduce the rate of complaints and the response time. These criteria will be reviewed every year, with a long-term perspective.

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In addition, ESG is also disseminated in managerial practices through: ■ the gradual integration of ESG issues into the group’s merger & acquisition policy in the first half of 2022 (the M&A function and processes are being equipped to qualify the ESG risks of the targets and to assess their CSR policies as part of the due diligence carried out by the group); ■ the setting by the purchasing function of a target for 2023 of 100% of consultations subject to ESG criteria (weighting at 10% of the supplier assessment score); ■ the analysis of the offers’ ESG performance made systematic in the Services-Mail-Parcels and DPDgroup business units. This assessment of the ESG performance of offers and services is JANUARY 2022 ■ Definition by the Mission Committee of indicators for monitoring La Poste’s statutory objectives as a company with a mission ■ First audit of results by the independent third party designated for this purpose (KPMG) ■ Integration of ESG issues into the group’s risk appetite framework currently being defined FEBRUARY ■ Establishment of the France Customer Coordination Committee ■ Integration of ESG issues into the group’s acquisition policy ■ La Banque Postale, a company with a mission within the meaning of the PACTE Act MARCH ■ Approval of the 2022 roadmap of Mr P. Wahl by the Board of Directors, increasing the economic and financial indicators to 50%, the social and environmental indicators to 30% and the group’s adaptability and attention paid to employees to 20% ■ Publication by La Poste of the first report of the Mission Committee MAY ■ Announcement of GeoPost’s withdrawal from the Russian market ■ Biodiversity is defined as the third area of La Poste Groupe’s environmental policy by the group’s Executive Committee Highlights in 2022-2023

supplemented by significant support for the marketing function (training and monitoring of the offer) to ensure that ESG is taken into account before and during the marketing of the offers; ■ the integration of ESG performance criteria in the assessment process of strategic projects by the business units’ DFIs. Employees are closely involved in participatory innovation , a long standing initiative at La Poste. In particular, the efforts are focused on setting up local and national challenges and events to value the group’s innovators. Intrapreneurship is supported by the “Impulser 2030” programme. It aims to explore new businesses and benefits from a dedicated platform. ■ The group joins the 175 companies in the “Entreprises Committed to Nature” initiative led by the French Office for Biodiversity ( Office français de la biodiversité - OFB), by adhering to the ten common principles of this programme alongside 175 companies. ■ The group joins the WWF Initiative “Logistics and Transport to combat illegal trade in wildlife”. SEPTEMBER ■ Strategic seminar of the group’s Executive Committee dedicated to ESG issues ■ Integration of ESG issues into merger/acquisition files OCTOBER ■ Integration of ESG issues into the managerial assessment system for all La Poste Groupe employees JANUARY 2023 ■ Launch of the new mail range FEBRUARY ■ Sixth local postal coverage agreement signed with the French State for the 2023-2025 period MARCH ■ Publication of the second report of La Poste’s Mission Committee ■ Publication of La Banque Postale’s first mission report

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