Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra ‑ financial Performance As a reminder, Groupama Immobilier, on behalf of Société Forestière Groupama, announced in 2021 the marking and harvesting of oak trees from its sustainably managed forests. These trees will contribute to the reconstruction of the spire of Notre Dame de Paris, built by Viollet ‑ le ‑ Duc and destroyed by the fire in April 2019. The film Charpente , which was produced by Groupama in 2021 and evokes this contribution, has received numerous awards. It should also be noted that Groupama Immobilier received the “solidarity sponsorship” jury prize at SIMI 2021 for its support of Café Joyeux, a remarkable initiative that makes disability visible through the professional inclusion and training of people with mental and cognitive disabilities; the subsidiary is also the initiator of the collective action “Le Booster de Réemploi” (see section Partner in solidarity with communities and territories: recall the exceptional mobilisation of the companies and elected representatives during the Covid crisis of 2020 ‑ 2021 (support for restaurant owners, retailers, persons in hospitals or nursing homes, and medical teams, donations of surgical masks or food to various social structures, etc. and local appeals). War in Ukraine. Support for the Red Cross, organisation, etc. Groupama’s companies and employees have mobilised. Of particular note is the donation of two mobile hospitals and €20,000 worth of medicines by Groupama and its assistance subsidiary Mutuaide. At the group level, the implementation of measures to combat corruption and influence peddling as well as money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) is managed by the Group Compliance Department. The corresponding work is carried out in consultation with the Group’s Legal Department. The “Sapin 2” law of 9 December 2016 on transparency, the fight against corruption, and modernisation of the economy came into force on 1 June 2017. It introduces a general obligation to prevent risks of corruption and influence peddling for companies with more than 500 employees and revenue of more than €100 million. Once a group is subject to this obligation, its subsidiaries located in France or abroad are affected by this obligation. This regulation involves the operational implementation of eight measures, each of which has been the subject of specific work. The Group Compliance Department carried them out in consultation with the Group Compliance Department. Each Groupama group company has incorporated the Group Code of Conduct into its Internal Bylaws and has deployed an ethics whistleblowing system. Upon completion of the approval process by the staff representative bodies, all employees were informed of the Fight against corruption, influence peddling, money laundering, terrorist financing, and tax evasion

elements appended to the internal bylaws, namely regarding the following measures: the ethics charter, which reflects the essence of the values and commitments adopted by the Group. ❯ The Code of Conduct, which lists the rules to be adopted or prohibited for all employees in their activities, as well as the ethical alert system and the corresponding disciplinary sanctions in the event of non ‑ compliance with these rules; the ethics whistleblowing system allows all collaborators (employees, officers, or general agents as well as external and occasional collaborators) as well as individuals in contact with the Group (outside collaborators, contractors, etc.) to use a dedicated secure email address to report information about the following areas to the authorised persons of their company (the head of the compliance verification function or the compliance officer): ❯ conflicts of interest; ■ corruption, influence peddling; ■ violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms; ■ harm to the environment; ■ internal fraud; ■ crimes or offences; ■ threat or severe harm to the public interest. ■ The ethics charter and the Code of Conduct apply to all Group companies, both French and international. As part of its plan to prevent risks of corruption and influence peddling, Groupama bolstered its Code of Conduct with illustrations related to risk mapping in 2020. The Group’s companies have all mobilised to map out their respective corruption and influence ‑ peddling risks. A consolidated group mapping was produced following this work and presented to the audit and Risk Committee. Regular updating of these mappings is planned. The Group incorporated modules specifically aimed at combating corruption and influence peddling for all its employees, in particular those most at risk (specialised modules according to activities), into its training programme. The most exposed personnel are identified from the risk mapping. In 2020, Groupama defined an action plan to strengthen its system for assessing the integrity of third parties with which the Group’s companies have a business relationship. In connection with the risk mapping, updates to the new relationship procedures were identified. The steering and monitoring of this work continued in 2021 in order to develop a Group digital solution – Partner Assessment Portal (PEP’s) – to facilitate the integrity assessment of non ‑ customer third parties. It should be noted that the third ‑ party customer assessment system is based on the AML ‑ CFT regulation. In general, the integrity assessment of all types of third parties can be subject to specific analyses by a specialised agency.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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