Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra ‑ financial Performance

Risk control levers Group exposure due to underwriting

information quickly within a climate community made up of the various departments concerned (regarding a storm, for example, estimates based on models, reporting of claims amounts). For many years, Groupama has been carrying out prevention/ protection and awareness ‑ raising actions for its customers and members. For example, Groupama ‑ Predict, a partnership to improve resilience in the face of climatic risks: initiated in 2007, this partnership now enables nearly 20,000 local authorities to have municipal protection plans (PCS), with real ‑ time monitoring of events, and millions of citizens to be warned (by SMS) in advance and on a municipal scale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of approaching risks. Prevention and alert services of Predict , a subsidiary of Météo France, are accessible to all customers (in property and casualty) of the Group. An innovative, proven solution. During the Pentecost storms in France in spring 2022, 1.7 million SMS and more than 200,000 prevention emails were sent to our individual, professional, and farmer customers. 13,500 municipalities were also alerted. As a result of these actions, in line with previous actions, 2022 was marked by: (3) desensitisation to flood risks in homes (a specific Groupama tool has been designed) in connection with the MRN. Groupama is actively involved in the profession’s work on natural disasters, in particular on drought phenomena on buildings and flood modelling, and currently chairs the MRN ; ❯ (4) the establishment of a geolocation enrichment initiative; regarding exposures, we assess reconstruction costs as well as operating losses in the event of natural or man ‑ made hazards with a mapping resolution with GPS coordinates, which then allows for mappings taking into account the criticality of risks; ❯ (5) all ‑ out reinforcement of prevention, with the cross ‑ functional plan Vivons Prevention; ❯ and an internal scenario for assessing the impact of a Group ‑ wide environmental disaster has also been devised. ❯ Groupama has strong reinsurance protection – Groupama is the second ‑ largest European buyer of storm reinsurance protection – and is an innovative group in terms of cover solutions. The concrete effectiveness of our reinsurance structures allowed us to absorb a large part of the loss experience observed in France in 2022 and to buy good protections for 2023 under very tight reinsurance market conditions.

Given the exposure of Groupama, storms continue to be the greatest climate risk event. To assess the evolution of this risk in the face of climate change, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles uses models and knowledge developed jointly with various climate experts: several studies were conducted in partnership with Météo ‑ France on the basis of global climate models (GCM), regional climate models (RCM), and IPCC scenarios. There is no major variation associated with climate change in the frequency and severity of storms in France, but rather the increase in heat, drought, precipitation in certain areas, and risks of coastal flooding. These elements were confirmed in a recent study conducted by France Assureurs, using climate models established by the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace. In weather claims, natural risk events (Nat. Cat. , forces of nature, storms) are already assessed in insurance risks (non ‑ life underwriting risks). Application of the Nat. Cat. and knowledge of the underwriting risk (verification of flood ‑ prone areas, etc.) contribute to proper monitoring of the risk. Natural hazard risks and climatic risks on crops (or MRC) are addressed in connection with the Group’s “Major Risks” plan as well as risk accumulation (technical): this plan consists of annual monitoring of each risk concerned, which makes it possible in particular to be as close as possible to the evolution of weather ‑ related risk events. Focus on 2022 The increase in climate risks has led us to strengthen our policy: (1) (2) creation of a Climate Lab in early 2022, consisting of a team of experts and internal and external skills to develop our knowledge and to support projects. We want to strengthen our partnerships with research institutions and organisations working on the ground to make agriculture and buildings more resilient to changing climate risks. Our challenge is to be able to accelerate our response by setting up an approach to adapt to climate change in order to better support our customers and members, while respecting our corporate purpose and controlling our commitments. WG by peril (flood initially, then drought, and storms/hail) are put in place; ❯ a roadmap for each business line is put in place to strengthen actions in the area of climate change adaptation; ❯ an in ‑ depth analysis of the data is carried out with the Reinsurance Department. ❯ In order to raise awareness among the various stakeholders on the importance of reducing climate risks and the impact on claims management, a system has been put in place to share

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, an intergovernmental body open to all UN member countries. Natural disasters.

The partnership with Predict, initially on flood risk, has been gradually extended to storm, coastal flooding, heavy snowfall, heat wave, and extreme cold. Mission des Risques Naturels, an association within the framework of the Fédération Française de l ‘Assurance (French insurance federation). Man ‑ made perils.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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